Would you like to shine in your area of expertise? You know the power of marketing yourself online, yet you don’t know where to start?
This event might be just the thing you have been looking for to propel you forward in 2011.

By attending She Expert event you will be taught how to position yourself as an expert in your niche, create your own products, understand how to do the market research, and learn how to market and use the power of video marketing to reach your target market.
The event is in Sydney 18-20 Feb 2011.  It will be as you heard Pam say not just another workshop- you will leave with a plan.

Head on over to She-Experts and watch the videos that Pam has made to give you the total picture and the amazing value you will get. You will get tips from Pam on what you can do to increase your online presence as well as your video SEO too.:-) PLUS if you purchase before 26th January you will get the 10 Module Video Marketing Online Course value at $ 1297 for FREE

You will have gathered from the interview that Pam Brossman is passionate about  helping women use their skills and talents to create a lifestyle as well as become the expert in their niche..  So if you are  ready to shine in 2011 this might just be the event for you.

BREAKING NEWS: Pam has just told me there will be a competition and 5 lucky women( or men)  will win a ticket to the event, so head on over to She-Event today!

with love and abundance

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0 Responses

  1. I’d love to attend this meeting as I feel I need to grow. And the topic of the event is also challenging and exciting but I can’t – I’ll be busy- really busy – at that time. And Sydney is not round the corner. but I hope you’ll share the information and tips that you’ll hear there. I’ll be expecting your posts on this event.

  2. Hey Suzie thanks again for such a great interview. I am really looking forward to teaching the women at the event how to increase their brand exposure online, build more products, market themselves more effectively and open the door to more opportunities at the SheExperts event 18-20 Feb. Don’t forget there is a free video series to help get your readers started where I share 3 strategies that worked very effectively in my positioning, marketing and modeling my brand, business and product successfully last year. Just click on the link above to get the free video series.
    Thanks again Suzie.
    Pam Brossman
    CEO Social Media Woman
    International Speaker, Author and Consultant

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