Maya Angelou A Phenomenal Woman

Expansive Love

‘When you learn, teach. When you get, give is one of my best lessons from her,” said Oprah Winfrey in remembering Maya. “She moved through the world with unshakeable calm, confidence and a fierce grace. I loved her and I know she loved me. I will profoundly miss her. She will always be the rainbow in […]

Do You Unleash Your Creativity On Your Business?

I am Open to receiving love

Soul Art Day 2014 The purpose of creativity is opening my heart to the whispers that are wanting to be expressed – Suzie I have just completed a wonderful journey in exploring my own creativity. Last week I took part in  Laura Hollick’s International Soul Art Day, something I have done in 2012 and 2013 I allow […]

Do You Welcome Money Into Your Life?

Suzie TV

  Interview with Jane Duncan Rogers  My security does not depend on what I have in the bank ~ Jane Duncan Rogers This week  I spoke with Jane about her fascinating life the highs and the lows, her business Wild Wisdom and her new money program the Radical Income Welcome Tool Kit. We met through Leonie Dawson’s […]

Mind Chatter and Spinning Wheels

spinning my wheels

Does Your Mind Chatter Disempower You? One morning when I woke up I was drawn to my studio to paint. I had seen an image when I was visioning my day, it was like spinning wheels. The mind chatter was going, not a great way to start one’s day. Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels […]