Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed and appear on SuzieCheeldotCom.
Just to be sure we are clear, here are some things I’d like you to know.
- I can’t pay you for this interview. So, treat this like a TV or radio appearance instead. It’s your chance to get free publicity and share your expertise with an audience who’s eager to hear it.
- I may edit parts of the interview. I won’t rearrange your words, just edit for clarity, remove any verbal or video clutter and shorten it if it runs too long.
- I want you to shine and to be seen as the star and some editing (if necessary) helps me to achieve this.I will use the interview and your picture to promote Suzie Cheel dot Com.
- I plan to tell everyone I know for as long as my web site exists that you were featured in one of my episodes. Your interview will appear on other sites such as YouTube, vimeo and others. It will also appear on my International channel at
- You can announce the interview to your network and I’ll send you a quick email to let you know that the interview is ready. I encourage you to send the link out to your friends, your mailing list, your customers as you see fit.
- Overall, be yourself. While I don’t mind if you provide me with a scoop during our interview, just make sure you are truthful and honest – in other words, be yourself. Don’t tell me any trade secrets if you’re not allowed to and just double check any facts that you’ll share with me.
- I understand that you warrant that you have the right to agree to my distribution terms.
- All content on Suzie Cheel dot Com is copyright Suzie Cheel © 2010 and protected by international copyright law.
By saying yes to appearing on Suzie Cheel dot Com as a guest, you’re also saying you’re okay with the points above.To confirm that, please insert your full name and email address in the boxes below, click on the I Agree checkbox, then click the Submit button.
Then let’s have a fantastic interview.