Color Prescription 2: Orange and The Sacral Chakra

2nd Chakra by Suzie Cheel

Working with The Color Orange and The Sacral  Second Chakra Orange is the color of power and vitality, of apricots, mandarins, persimmon and papaya, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. orange is a sunrise, a sunset the flame of a candle. Orange is the color the second chakra our sacral chakra and our feeling centre. It […]

Do You Follow The Guidance Your Higher Self Gives You?

Choosing to follow your higher guidance gives you more freedom Those words resonated for me as Freedom is one of my primary values. This wisdom flash  is part of Sonia Choquettes new online Ask You Guides Course. This expands on Sonia’s Book of the same name and the oracle card deck I am using in […]

An Easter Mandala Prescription 15

happy Easter Mandala

Prescription 15 was inspired by a tweet from Angela Artemis who was the catalyst for this  prescription series. I love mandalas and doodling is something I used to do when sitting in lectures, at conferences etc and not something I have done recently. Angela’s tweet Angela Artemis Angela Artemis Making Mandalas: A Magical Process: […]

Simon Hay Soul Healer to Give 100 Healings

simon hay

100 Distant Healings: Soul Healer Simon Hay’s Gift to the World Simon Hay Soul Healer is offering 100 Distance Healings from October 8th for 10 days to celebrate his writing of 100 blog posts. Listen to Simon talk about how this idea emerged and hear him talk about how he became a healer. Go to […]