Oprah Flies Over: Suzie and Her BHAG Move On

Change Warrior

Emergings is released to the world So many people asked me did I get on Oprah, sadly no and I am continuing with my BHAG to inspire and empower a million people to be agents of change in the world. What I call Change Warriors. Today I am   launching a special package based on my […]

Monday Inspiration

If your actions inspire others to dream more. learn more, do more, and become more, your are a leader. – John Quincy Adams Be the change

Monday Inspiration:Be Still

Be Still

Be still, Be Calm Allow the love to flow And as the love flows The pure diamond That is within Reveals it’s light It begins to shine And reflect to you All the love it holds Sit still for now And feel The power of Your own being -Suzie Cheel be the change