Wishing You Calm, Hope and Joy

This morning I heard the words wishing you calm, hope and joy spoken by the priest at St Peter’s in Coolangatta.. These words touched my heart and I came home and added them to the painting I had done for Christmas along with love and peace. With gratitude and in abundance always Namaste

Is There An Upside To Procrastination?

 There Is A Downside Too! “Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage.” ~Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby Do you experience self-sabotage? I do and this morning was a wonderful example of just how I allow procrastination to stop me. I started the day with gratitude, meditation, a tapping on procrastination,  etc.  I then did let’s […]

Does Procrastination Block Your Abundance?

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”– Edward Young Does procrastination stop you completing your project you have had on the drawing board for the past month or more? make you wonder where the morning went when you were planning to start on your book? keep you from enjoying the abundance you deserve? These are just […]