Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Health?

reclaim Your health

Reclaim Your Health E- Summit with Genevieve Kohn and Dr Rachel Havilland   Do You Want To Reclaim Your Health? I interviewed one of the hosts of the e-summit Genevieve Kohn about Reclaim Your Health.    I am excited to be part of this eSummit starting today October 22nd until 24, 2014. with Genevieve Kohn and Dr Rachel […]

Are You Being You?


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! ~ Dr. Seuss Are You Being True, Really True To You? Or Are you Still Sitting On The Fence Waiting For That Magic Moment To Shine Your Light On The World? Yesterday I painted the words above BE […]

Is There One Thing You Would Love To Change In Your Life?

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“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” ~Gandhi If you were given a magic wand what would you want to change? Do you love change?  Do you fear change? Does it excite you? Does it scare you? I used to always love change, saw it as an adventure. The past few years […]

Creativity, Color and Chakras


7 Days of Creativity:  A Painting Meditation Don’t you just love it when the universe opens up an opportunity that you heart has been desiring? My creativity had been on holiday for too long.  Somehow I wasn’t being drawn into my studio to allow my creative heart to open. That happened for me last week. […]