What Is Your Heart Whispering This Week?

Weekly Heart Whisper Reading October 24th This weeks’ Heart Whisper reading brings a message of love, allowing and hope, In the video I explain how I drew the cards and how the message flows from my heart. ( 7 mins ) Here are the words from my journal this morning. When we smile we raise our vibes, our […]

Discover Inner Peace Now: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart

inner peace

Heart Whisper Meditation On Inner Peace Inner peace is something so many strive for. That calm quiet when your life is in harmony, You have let go of all those judgements that lower your vibes You love and accept yourself exactly as you are You know you are more than enough Today when I was shuffling my Heart […]

Discover Your True Passion: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart

Are you following your passion? I mean really, really following your passion. not what you feel you should be doing, or what your colleagues, coach or mentor tells you, you are good at. What really makes you come alive? What makes your heart sing? Gets you up with joy in your heart each morning. Creating […]