Giving Thanks: From My Heart To Yours
Abundance Flows From The Wings Of Gratitude- Suzie Cheel
Today all my American friends celebrate thanksgiving which too me seems a tradition that I would love to have as an annual event here in Australia.Every day is a day to be grateful for.
Give thanks for the abundance that we have within us and around us. (It’s a tweetable )
Being grateful is also said to make us healthier from recent research
Being grateful is a topic I have written a lot about. It is a daily practice for me, it has helped me to heal and I believe is one that we can never have enough of. The more grateful we are the stronger our gratitude muscle becomes.
7 Tools to Build Your Gratitude Muscle
Start you day with gratitude. When you wake give thanks for a good nights sleep, the pillow your head rested on. you, maybe the sun is shining, the birds are singing and more
Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.”– Khalil Gibran
Keep a gratitude journal. I keep mine by my bed and write at least 5 things that I have been grateful for that day. Then count your blessing for that day. If you write 5 count then off on your fingers. Make the book special by giving it a cover that delights you. I make a new cover for each new journal. I have kept one on my computer and my mobile and I find that pen ( especially colored or metallic) and paper resonates for me more powerfully.
Practice Hoóponopono daily. (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness) I often say it as I am driving and walking and it is a great to use just the words if you are having a challenge sleeping. “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
Make a list of 100 things you are grateful for. This is a really good thing to do if you feel challenged by life, are playing the poor me and sorry for yourself. It’s hard to stay in that state when you realise just how much you do have to be grateful for- can’t get started? Try by being grateful for your eyes and all the beauty and color they bring to your world – you get the idea:)
Join a Gratitude challenge. I did one with Nicole Cody back in 2012 which was very powerful. I blogged this at What am I grateful for today.
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” ~ Brian Tracy
Make a gratitude afformation list: Why am I so grateful for the abundance I have in my life?
Watch my Gratitude Movie I made last year for Thanksgiving.
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” ~Meister Eckhart
What We Think About And Thank About, We Bring About!
What will you thank about today?

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More Joy ♥ More Love ♥ More Abundance ♥
Are You Listening To The Whispers of Your Heart? Let Me Show You How – check out the Love You Coaching special
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Hi Suzie,
I liked your idea of gratitude journal.
And “thanks so much” for this post.
Love these. Another one that I love to do is to keep an ongoing list where I write things on it throughout the day. And, of course, saying THANK YOU!! every time something happens that I love and want more of. Gratitude rocks.
Hi Christie,
Yes that is a great idea- think my phone is the place to do that, BTW i visited your blog , great post and wasn’t able to comment ?
One of the others ideas I have about gratitude is to use instagram for them! Haven’t really done that yet.
Thank you for visiting my website. I don’t allow comments on my blog, that is why you couldn’t comment. 😀
Great post! I love ho’o pono pono. I use it all the time. It is such a beautiful tool. I also did a 30 gratitude challenge in November and found the daily practice of writing what you are grateful for so amazing. Thanks for sharing thoughts and reminding me how powerful gratitude is!
Oh, my, just what I need. I was upset because after I spent considerable time cleaning up the kitchen from the sanding being done to paint the wall, it all happened again! Was quite angry. But I do have many wonderful kitchen tools for which I’m grateful. And I am grateful for the bright new wall being painted. I am grateful for change. I am grateful to have a kitchen to clean! Okay, I’m good. That’s a start.
Hi Julieanne,
wonderful to see you here and love your gratitude shift- it can work wonders ♡♡♡
Hi Suzie,
Your post got me thinking about times when it’s hard to find gratitude. What gets in the way? I finally came up with this: When we’re ungrateful, we’re focused too closely on ourselves. Gratitude helps us decenter and appreciate life from a bigger perspective.
Thanks for helping us think about important things. By the way, your blog looks great!
Thanks Susan,
If I am not feeling grateful I just look outside and look at the garden or look at my book shelf, the fruit on the bench Thanks for the feedback on the blog- that makes my heart sing as I am having a few techie challenges. xx
hi Suzie, thanks for reiterating the beauty of Hooponopono, I needed a reminder of its power. If we are all able to forgive it would solve so many problems. It’s not something we’re really taught how to do but the Hooponopono can at least frame it within the parameters of gratitude, love and humility.
Hi Lisa
Yes Ho’oponopono is both beautiful and powerful and one of my most used tools and gives me both joy and peace ♡♡♡
I love this post. It’s always nice to hear more recommendations (and become re-acquainted with those I have forgotten) about how to introduce more gratitude into life.
One of those I forgot about is the Hooponopono. (I think I got that right). I’ll remember this and integrate it more often. It’s such a wonderful practice, but sometimes in the business of life and all that is going on we forget simple things like this that can really help us in so many ways.
Thanks so much for this. I really appreciate it.
Hi Victor and welcome delighted that you have visited 🙂 it’s easy to do and easy not to do , I often have to give myself a nudge to get back on the Gratitude daily ritual. Hooponopono is for me a gift a prayer, i use it driving, with eft to bring down my blood pressure, to go to sleep with if my mind is racing
Have fun with it ♡♡♡
For many years I had a gratitude buddy practice. Very simple and very powerful daily practice of sharing gratitudes with another person. I would recommend it. I wrote a bit about it on my blog if you are interested in how it works.
I am going to repost this on my Facebook page. Thanks!
Thanks Nano,
and for the repost. I hadn’t thought of having a gratitude buddy, great way if you have fallen off the wagon ♡♡♡
awesome thanks for giving us some more ways of expressing gratitude I do the lists, I used to do the gratitude thing as I feel asleep and as I awoke as well! I did 1,000,000 hoponoponoos earlier this year! So I can start up doing them as well! Much gratitude to you for sharing this with us.
Hi Jakeb,
wow 100,000 hooponopono, that is truly awesome.
Sounds like you have the gratitude practice going well ♡♡♡
As always Suzie, thanks for reminding me to be thankful; I’m working on that 100 gratitude list….
Hi Kim,
Your presence here always delights me, my 100 is on the love list ♡♡♡
Gratitude turns my day around. When I’m starting to complain or compare, I start listing things I am grateful for and just like that, I feel like the luckiest person I know 🙂 Powerful practice. Love your tips!
Hi Tia,
wonderful to be back in contact. Yes amazing how being ungrateful can ruin a day as you say I know thanks for dropping by and commenting ♡♡♡
I recently did a gratitude challenge. I am so amazed by how it worked to make me feel so thankful! x
Welcome Rachelle. yes gratitude challenges are very powerful ♡♡♡
It is so easy for me to forget giving thanks for the abundance present now. No wonder I was a little annoyed with my life and me. Thank you for the reminder Suzie! My coach recently asked me to practice the Hoóponopono. I loved the video…what a great idea to combine it with EFT! Much Love!
Welcome Bindiya,
Yes when we are not grateful life can be less than ideal. I love Hoóponopono and eft- I use it for lots of things. ♡♡♡
Hi Suzie,
I regularly keep a gratitude journal but one day last week I filled it in through the day as I went along, by the end of the day it was 3 pages long as being grateful for something in the moment led me to be grateful for other related things, at the end of the day reading back was truly enlightening to see how wonderful my day had been even though it seemed not so eventful at the time
also I love the Hawaiian prayer thanks for the reminder x
Hi Sam and welcome,
That is awesome 3 pages, when we see the abundance that we are surrounded with daily we have so much to be grateful for. xx
Suzie, Suzie! I am always thrilled to see your heart paintings. What a lovely post today, oozing warmth! I write a gratitude journal and I am working on the 100 things that make me happy- except I suspect the list will be far longer, especially when we list the little things that make up big joy.
Thank you for shining your brilliant light – both with your smile, your words and your art!
Hi Vidya,
thank you for you heart inspired comments that delight my heart ♡♡♡ Yes it’s the little things that delight and bring joy and so often remind us of our own blessed lives 🙂
Thanks for the lovely reminder, especially for Hoóponopono!
Hi Sandy and welcome and thank you for visiting and commenting Yes Hooponopono is a lovely practice
Love this line, Suzie – “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.” I’ve heard that before, but what a great reminder, especially during this time of year. I add my gratitude list at the bottom of my journal each day and it makes such a difference. That mind shift is what truly can make us happy. Thanks for a great post!
Hi Cathy,
wonderful to see you visiting and love your comment. Yes Hoóponopono is powerful I find especcially if you need a lift when something has taken you off centre
As always dearest Suzie, your post is filled with love and support for living life at our highest and best. I too start my day off with being thankful for the wonderful day I had, before I’ve had it. Assuming from the start that it was so tends to make it so.
Hi Elle your comments as always bring joy yo my hearts and yes when we are grateful for what is to come we can create the magical day we so deserve.
Wonderful post!
I’m so happy I’m already doing most of those things.
It’s just a great reminder to keep doing them!
Thank you so much (;
Hi Suzie,
I guess happiness and gratitude are first cousins and that being grateful is no hard work.It’s an easy attitude.But a lot of us keep waiting for perfect conditions to come along,endlessly.
A lot of people also suffer from waiting for the perfect conditions,the most suitable settings,the most favourable circumstances before they begin.It rarely works. We don’t have to fool ourself, but just go to work,get started and keep going.That’s allwe need to do.Just keep one foot at a time, one step ahead of the other,and continue doing that..
(I’m trying to maintain agratitude journal,but after this post im going to try better)
Welcome Mona,
Yes putting one foot in front of the other can bring magic as we focus on the task that will bring us closer to our hearts desire.
May I make a suggestion? As Yoda says in star wars: No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try. 🙂 Last night it was nearly midnight and I almost let my habit slip, No I picked up my gratitude journal- always by the bed and wrote 5 things I was grateful for in the day. Check out what Katy said below about keeping a running journal on her phone, this might help you
Another brilliant & beautiful post Suzie! Thank you for inspiring us about gratitude and its power to transform us and our lives. I love the “gratitude blast” listing 100 things we are grateful for. I’m going to do it again!
Hi Martine,
you presence hear always uplifts my heart
♡♡♡ I too am going to do the gratitude 100 blast
Some great ideas here, Suzie. I’ve started to write down what I’m grateful for too. I just finished a gratitude series on my blog last month – and got some great ideas from guest bloggers too. One of them is to have a gratitude partner. Still working on this idea, but I think it’s a fantastic one.
Welcome Corinne
Gratitude series sounds wonderful. I have a blog What Am I Grateful for today that would be wonderful to one day be a gratitude accountabilty community – thanks for the thought ♡♡♡
Handy tips, Suzie. Placing your heart painting with the gratitude journal brings a special touch of heart to gratitude. 100 things to write…easy to feel, a challenge to write, but once written, would make a useful self-motivating journal for sad moments. I’ll share this .. Thank you!
Thanks for visiting, commenting and sharing, yes the 100 things can be a challenge or just a flow from your heart and you don’t notice the time passing ♡♡♡
What a beautiful video and message. I’ve started to use EFT recently with one of my coach. I had great results! I’ll try this for sure… You look great!! Love ! ~ Nathalie
Hi Nathalie,
thank for commenting and dropping by always love to see you. Yes eft is very powerful PS that was made when i was ill back in 2012 with moon face ♡♡♡
Love it Suzie, love your new heart painting also.. I too prefer pen and paper and a lovely book to write my grats in though I also have one on my pc for impromptu thanksgiving moments.. I truly believe it’s the currency of the Universe.. I can’t watch your video just yet, as slow connection but as I love EFT & Ho’oponopono, I really want to watch that, will try again later, with gratitude to you xo
Welcome Caroline, I am delighted to have you visiting. Thanks for visiting and commenting- hope you get to watch the video 🙂 ♡♡♡ Yes eft plus Hoóponopono are such a blessing in my life too
Great ideas here Suzie! I’ve also found that I like keeping a running list that I can “more of this” on my iPhone. Whenever I enjoy where I am and what I’m doing, I add it to that list. I’m not always perfect about keeping a daily gratitude journal (I find I go in spurts), so this is another way that I can be grateful for the big and small moments throughout my day.
Katy what a great idea I love the idea of a running list and more of this. yes i know I sometimes slip up on the every night mode
I might borrow you “more of this”
Lovely, Suzie, and speaks right to my most grateful heart. Love the video. Blessings! xoxox
Thanks Sue,
make my heart sing that it spoke to your grateful heart , thanks for dropping by