Monday Inspiration On a Wednesday:)

Beach Inspirations: Bold

Are You Ready For A Bold Life?

Being bold means taking responsibility for your dreams.
Being bold means making bold choices.
Being bold means thinking big.
Being bold means making an impact.
Being bold means taking risks.
Being bold means refusing to be confined.
Being bold means making a difference.
Being bold is taking action.
Being bold means never hiding who you are.
Being bold means seeing the big picture.
Being bold means allowing fear to motivate you.
Being bold means living without excuses.
Dare to live the bold life!

Tess Marshall from The Bold Life

What does being bold mean to you? Tess asks have you taken a bold decision that has given your life a new direction? As Tess asks do you dare to live a BOLD life?


Suzie Cheel

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4 Responses

  1. Suzie,
    What a surprise! I had no idea you put this up. Aren’t I suppose to get a ping or something??? LOL
    It’s Sat morning and I’m up early to comment a bit before we actually leave for our new home. Today we finish packing and tomorrow we go. Yeah! Thanks for this and the photo is awesome. Did you take it? I would love a copy if you did!

    1. Hi Tess,
      Don’t understand why you didn’t get pinged- will check my settings
      have fun with the move. Really looking forward to talking soon.
      Yes the photo is mine- one of my beach inspirations which one day will be a book with all my sand writings.
      Love and hugs

    1. Tess is wonderful and we seem to have a lot in common, I just love how we have all connected and have so much in common

      love and hugs

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