
When you are receiving openly you feel full of love of gratitude and abundance

Sometimes we block our receiving valves and find ourselves in lack. Not feeling good enough and often so giving of ourselves to others.

I know I have learned to accept compliments, gifts, that free coffee etc with joy and love in my heart.

Wasn’t always the way, when someone would compliment me on something I was wearing, my hair and even my art I can remember when I would I would qualify my reply in a way that I now see as offensive to the giver.

Now i accept with thanks and my heart smiles

When we recognize this pattern in our lives we need to take time out: “me time

ASK what it is we really, really want being be open to receiving?

Maybe you were told when you were younger that it is better to give than receive. I can still hear my mother’s words in my ears.

So often we have patterns of behaviour, negative thoughts and more to release.

We need to first, forgive and then get clear on what we do want to receive and ask for this on a daily basis through journaling as we start our day.

Always being in gratitude and open that beautiful heart to receive your true desires.

Start today!
Message from the card is

What will you ask to receive today?

Open your heart to love: LISTEN, HEAL, PROSPER
Suzie xxx

Get you own receiving valves open with your own deck of Heart Whisper oracle card deck

Heart Whisper Oracle Cards

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20 Responses

  1. Hi Suzie, thanks for this. This can be such a challenge sometimes can’t it! Your last quote reminded me – to remember that I am the love I wish to see first.

  2. I love this blog Suzie! Receiving love and support is such an empowering and nurturing practice and yet so challenging for many of us. Bringing intention to receiving is an important first step and then releasing what ever gets in the way of receiving in the next. Thank you for bringing awareness to this transformative process!

    1. Kelley you always open my heart wide and have it smiling with your comments. 🙂 It is my joy and I am finding so much simpler not I set my daily intentions too xxx

  3. My angel card was OPEN YOUR HEART so we’re on the same page…again, Suzie. How fun is that? I know that when I do this, my creative energies attract the perfect people, clients, and resources as love have a magnetic pull.

  4. Ahh, learning to receive. A lovely and healing lifelong journey. I can tell you from experience that walking around with fists clenched (vainly trying to hold on to what I have) blocks me from receiving the bounty that’s all around me.

    1. Yes Sue I totally agree I recognize “walking around with fists clenched (vainly trying to hold on to what I have)” only too well – not gratefully receive from others- still having to receive from my heart whipsers and let go of what i might need one day on my computer to make space to move forward with joy xxx

  5. Love your post, Suzie! It’s amazing what we block without even realizing it. Awareness is the first step into making heart-centered changes. Thank you for sharing your loving messages…

  6. Love this post. As a woman, speaking for myself I learned to always put others first. Of course this taught the people in my life that I came second in all things. Letting go of such teachings is liberating and validating ~ I/we matter. I hold no grudges ~ releasing all negativity ~ when you forgive you heal. Blessings

    1. Edna how beautiful yes when we forgive we do heal and in forgiving ourself we also set ourselves free, thanks for adding to the conversation blessing to you

  7. Opening my heart and receiving love and joy used to be hard for me. what I’ve come to know is that for the powerful energy of love to expand in ourselves and our world we must receive so we can give more. The universal law of circulation at work. xo

    1. Yes Debra I know and relate to feeling the same. I think the more we put ourselves first we change and open our receiving valves Yes love that The universal law of circulation at work. Thanks for adding to the conversation xxx

  8. Love this post, so many women block the flow of receiving without even realizing they are doing that. Learning to receive with openness and gratitude opens the flow of abundance.

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