Working with The Color Green and The Heart Chakra
Green is the color of energy and abundance, of nature, of apples and pears, of limes, of broccoli, kale, spinach, peas and beans, of balance and harmony, of growth and money, of jade and malachite Green presents in so many shades and hews. As I look out my window I can count at least 20 varying shades and tones of green.
Green is the color of the fourth chakra, our heart chakra and love centre. The heart chakra is related to our ability to love and is a source of compassion, kindness and affection. When our heart chakra is in balance and we are accepting of ourself and others, our self-esteem is healthy and our vibes are high: We Feel Good.
This post is part of a Color Prescription series I started over 2 years ago , just before I experienced the autoimmune disease that put me out of action with a total kidney failure. I had painted a series of paintings which you can see in the video and I have added some that I have painted since then.
I reflected back on stopping this series at the heart chakra: I did have a draft back in July 2011! The message that I got back 2 years ago was that this journey for me was all about love, when I fractured my humerus in January 2012, it was in line with my heart chakra, as was my crush fracture. Seem the universe was making sure this time I slowed down enough to get the message!
I have had time to look closely at my own love path as well as observe others wanting to raise their love vibes.
Here are 7 ways I have found that help in opening the heart chakra:
Be Love: love and accept you as you are NOW!
Be KInd: watch the thoughts you think and the words you speak about yourself
Love others unconditionally- this becomes easier the more we love ourselves and release any need to beat up on ourself:)
Go out in nature, lay on the grass and watch the clouds drift by.
Treat yourself- soak in a lavender bubble bath
Breathe- deep breathing releases toxins and blocked energy
Forgive yourself- try using Ho’oponopono and EFT. These are two tools I use daily
What do you do on a daily basis to keep your Heart Chakra open ?
Here are the links for all the other Chakra Color Prescriptions: Red, Orange Yellow. Blue, Indigo, Violet
with love and gratitude
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Thank you so much for sharing your story! It’s such an inspiration!
Love your 7 ways … My most favorite … laying on that green, luscious grass … watching the clouds float by! 😀
Beautiful paintings, Suzie! Very soothing and cheerful — you are on the right path!
Dear Suzie, thanks for sharing this video with your beautiful heart chakra paintings really appreciated it! I’ve shared this with my fb followers and pin terest too so they can benefit too,
I need some green today! My heart has felt constricted; my mood unhappy – I find myself irritable. Interesting thing about green: when I was a little girl, my mother always dressed me in blue (for my blue eyes) and my sister in green (for her green eyes). I assumed green wasn’t good for me. When I was a young adult I wore some green and found people were very responsive to me in green. I came to love putting on green. I think the color did awaken some part of me that felt healthful. As for your list of green foods – I love them, especially those leaf greens like kale! (After reading your post and writing this comment, I feel better than I’ve felt all day!)
Hi Judy,
Your comment has made my heart sign and affirms for me that bringing this series back ti life is both empowering for me and my community. the color green in nature I love and the green of my high school blazer and the green of Australian teams had me not wearing green for many years. What I love is the tone of jades and peacock green.
I hope you are feeling good today 🙂
WhEn I find that I’m not feeling love I ask myself what would love do? That helps remind me to be in the state of love. I would love to say that I’m always successful. However sometimes I need to ask myself more than once. If it’s a very tough situation, then I’ll listen to some Abraham Hicks.
julieanne case
Yummy yummy yummy! Chakras are my favorite subject – and I LOVE the heart chakra (LOL!). I think it’s important to also receive love through the back of your heart chakra. Most of the people I work with are such empaths and give, give, give love out but have a difficult time receiving it. This can really make the heart chakra unbalanced. Yep – me too! Learning how to receive has been challenging for me, to let people do things for me, to even receive compliments – but since I have been able to allow this in my life has become much more balanced and aligned!
Hi Laura,
Just love your energy is jumping off the page. I love that about receiving love from the back- will use that in a meditation- thank you
Hey Suzie, I LOVE this post. You weave your own story in with the information,and I find this far more readable than some dry old article about chakras ! I’m about to do a video on Clearing Chakras with EFT, so I’m feeling totally aligned to you Suzie! I love your 7 suggestions, agree agree! Looking forward to more of your fab posts, Julie
Welcome Julie,
I am delighted to meet you and would love to see you video when you make it. I have a chakra video meditation i made early this year, using my paintings.I see you live in Sydney- used to be there
I will be completing this series over the next month:)
Thanks for writing about the green chakra. Green is my favorite color and I’ve always felt akin to this chakra. I love what you wrote and it makes everything more clear why Iove it. Watching the video right now!
Hi Betsy,
That’s great that you got clarity on why green is you fave color and why you love it- Our heart chakra helps us live from and with our spirit.. Keeping us in balance.
Just reading that post is sure to make one feel good! 🙂 Thank you.
I sure surround myself with green, as I love nature (I live in the woods), and I fill myself with green as well (by eating the kale, swiss chard, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, etc. that we grow in the garden).
Thanks and welcome
Yes being surrounded by the greens of nature brings growth and love 🙂
I love your emphasis on practicing love everyday! Many people don’t realize that can cultivate more love and compassion. I like your suggestions on how to do that. I meditate everyday and sometimes I do specific meditations to expand my ability to love. Love this series, Suzie. Hope you do more. It also reminds me that I started on a series about the elements and didn’t complete it. I’ll have to look to see where I stopped. It might be informative!
Hi Sandra,
Yes meditation daily is a given for me for taking time for me to be still and listen to the whispers of my heart. Today i drew the Unconditional Love oracle card:) so i mediated on that.
Yes i will complete the series- I had done back in 2011 the paintings for the color blue and the thoat chakra. The others will come- Yes I think going back as i discovered can be very informative
Love your suggestions on bringing in more love, Suzie. Last fall, I did a 30+ day forgiveness exercise before bed each night — I wrote about it on my blog ( and just did spoke about it on a radio show just last weekend and it made a BIG difference in my life. I loved how no matter where you are and who or what you’re forgiving, in the end, it always comes down to forgiving yourself. I’d imagine that when you’re dealing with pain, or grief, or anger, it would be even more powerful an exercise.
Hi Katy,
Yes when we can forgive ourselves and love ourselves unconditionally, we raise our vibes and the loving and accepting that comes from that does make such a big difference. Love your quortes on you post about forgiveness and like love we have a choice 🙂
Such a beautiful post Suzie! I love the video with it and could feel my heart chakra opening even more. <3
Welcome Tonya,
Thank you and love that you felt your heart chakra opening wider- way to go 🙂
I love this serie. Green is so soothing and lively. I can almost taste the green lollipops I use to get after seeing the dentist when I was little. It was never my first choice but once I tasted it I would always wonder why I didn’t go for green more often…LOL… Great video and great heart chakra opening tips!
Thank you Nathalie,
wow green lollipops after a visit to the dentist!. Yes green was my high school colour and has not been a favorite of mine- looking back on my paintings over the last year I was surprised to see how many green paintings there were. The opening heart chakra
Green is my signature color (even have a Pinterest board dedicated to this color!) but I never knew any particular reason why. I even picked green as a predominant color for my book cover! Now I know why green has always been close to my heart – thx for sharing!
Wow Kim I love that , will check out your board. Happy to read that this post helped you understand your passion for green 🙂
I am just getting drawn towards Chakra’s Suzi – and interesting that the heart Chakra is green, your paintings are beautiful, in colour and design – I’d never thought of green as associated with the heart, but I pick up a real sense of vibrancy, energy and freshness from your art, which actually is what the heart is when keeping us alive!!
lovely post, and tips for keeping up the Love Vibes 🙂
Hi Jacs,
Yes green the color usually associated with the heart chakra and delighted to read you are being drawn towards chakras- they do help up balance our lives as well as learn more about ourselves.
I am doing some new chakra meditations that be part of my upcoming Love Boost.
keep you love vibes high 🙂
I love the colour meditation. It’s calm yet happy. I just had to tweet it out!
Hi Susan,
You make my heart sign, thank you 🙂