The Love of Green Juicing
Could you fall in love with green juices? Well Farnoosh Brock has and you will see, hear and feel her passion for juicing in the fun interview we did recently. You will discover the benefits of green juice as Farnoosh shares stories from her Green Juicing Clinic.
Join The Juicing Clinic TODAY and get Farnoosh’s special offer HERE NOW.
Why green juice you might ask. Well Farnoosh says:
Green juices are a return to your natural state of health and vitality.
Green juices can be a restoration of your total body and mind back to the source – the source of energy, happiness, bliss, and invigoration. It is a gentle wake-up call for your internal organs and all your tiny cells. It is purification of your skin and return of lustre to your eyes. Green juices are Mother Nature’s delicious medicine or her sweet nectar of love and care the gentle way.
Green juices is the most natural and wholesome way to reclaim what is still yours – however old you may be or whatever your body shape might be – and that thing is to be in true harmony with your body.
Farnoosh has wonderful book :Your Comprehensive Green Juicing Guide with great juice recipes to get you started. When you join The Green Juicing Clinic you get the 10 free recipes:) Plus as you heard a very supportive community. Something very special Here is the link again
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