Alex Blackwell aka The Bridgemaker has set himself a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Alex has set himself a 3 month goal to increase the membership/subscribers to The Bridgemaker form 2500 to 10,000. He is calling this the Fall membership drive. I love people who set themselves BHAGs and when I read what Alex is doing and thought I would spend some time talking with Alex about his BHAG and his vision for how this will happen.
You can see that Alex has stepped outside of his comfort zone to share his passion and his BHAG, something we all need to do when we want to make a difference. The Bridgemaker’s tag line is “faith, inspiration and stories of change”, I would also add in love. Since I first started reading Alex’s blog there has been an emphasis on love in may of his posts. As Alex mentioned his new ebook which is part of his Fall Drive/
“Love is instinctual, but to love consciously takes deliberate intent”
are Alex’s opening words to this ebook How to Love Consciously. The book provides practical ways on loving consciously and putting fun back into love as well.
To follow this wonderful BHAG and watch the community’s growth you can follow Alex on twitter @thebridgemaker, @facebook and be part of The Bridgemaker community on facebook .To get Alex’s free ebook and become part of the inspiring Bridgemaker community click on the red book image.
This one of the 10 ways Alex has put together to help him achieve his BHAG. To read the other 9 ways go here.
Suzie, great interview with Alex. I love Big Hairy Audacious Goals! I’m sure that Alex is going to achieve his!
Thanks Angela,
Yes BHAGs are great and wonderful for making a difference and being bold
Thanks so much Suzie!
Words can’t express my gratitude for your help, support and love!
It was my pleasure and I loved connecting and sharing your BHAG I ‘ll be watching with joy