Do you sometimes feel you have broken through and shifted a pattern that has been disempowering for you? It’s a great feeling: wow you think, I am moving forward. You have a goal that you have shared with the world and you are ready to move on it.

But are you really ready? Have your got all you ducks in a row?

Ducks In A Row

In the past 48 hours what was going to be a big event for me became a learning experience. Two weeks ago I announced that I was going to launch The Emergings Experience on Cyber Monday. At the weekend things changed and I decided that I would wait until later in the week and do a Fantastic Facebook Friday or “Fan Face Friday” – #FFF – as the launch. Yes I know: as someone commented on Blog Talk Radio last week- it is time to let the book out into the world. So I thought I am okay with that…….or so I thought!

One AM this morning!

I woke up and somehow Fear Doubt and Worry checked in, reminding of what could have been if I had been able to follow through on my Cyber Monday plan. Well normally I do get up, early meditate and journal, but this was ridiculous. I did the toss and turn number, maybe dozed off and when I did get up I was not in my normal happy Suzie state. I did meditate and do my morning pages. Then I hit the computer, but without a plan – not a good look, although one good thing did come out of it, clicking on my friend Lynn Serafinn’s tweet, so Emergings is now set up on Freado, something that has been on my to do list.

I then went to the beach with Des and he picked up my vibes, yes those “friends” Fear, Doubt and Worry. Des then went into beach coach mode when I asked what he thought I was missing in powering ahead with my BHAG.


Des then suggested what was missing was a clear process, using project management principles. He started drawing out the process in the sand, with four key elements of project management:

1. Goals. 2. Sequence 3. Dependencies 4. Resources and he used my previous business as a Textile artist to illustrate the point.

The Beach Coach

We then worked through my Clarity Through Contrast worksheet to get really clear about why I was doing this BHAG.

I do have the BHAG on a Mindmap, I just hadn’t put it into a plan.  That’s the next step.


Be the change

Suzie Cheel

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7 Responses

  1. Everything has a season. Everything unfolds with cosmic synchronicity. The mind has limited understanding of parameters. As you step back and reconnect with higher and broader vantage points, then nothing is ever out of place. You have no reason to doubt except the illusions imagined to convince you to feel less than you are.

    1. Hi Liara,
      Thank you for your wonderful comment, yes that illusionary friend called doubt:) The past few weeks have been intersting for me as i take the steps to come what for me has been hiding.

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