law of sttraction

Last week I received a twitter message from Hulbert Lee – From Bottom Up asking if he could interview me for his Law of Attraction Series. This was very impromptu for me and was a fun experience. Hulbert asked the question above, along with how does the Law of Attraction work and other questions about my experience with the Law of Attraction.

So is the Law of Attraction for Real? Yes it is for me and I know it is and is working at every moment in my life. Look at what you at getting in your life? Are you getting more of what you do want? Yes- great you feeling good about yourself and your life and have high vibes? I share my daily process for keeping my vibes high.

Law of Attraction Interview

Click on the link below to listen to the interview- it is about 25 minutes in length. If you want to get more of what you do love and less of what join The Heart Whisper Circle or book in for a clarity session

Thanks for listening and please leave any questions you have below.

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