This weeks theme for me has emerged as abundance.

Today I am going to share the fantastic prize I received this week from Social Video Labs.

I almost didn’t enter. Wow what I would have missed. Life gets a bit like that at times, so many things to do. Then often the mind checks in and says- you won’t win, why bother!  Fortunatey  for me it didn’t this time. I saw myself winning this one. I even spent time writing out my WHY and in doing that got clearer about who I was going to be as a brand. Since reading Gary Vaynerchuck’s Crush It I have been wanting to set up a video blog. I love making videos and when Andrew and Steve set up thos contest on their  facebook page I saw myself as winning,

This is my video entry.

Okay so you want this package?

The next best thing is the fantastic ebook ZOOM that Social Video labs released last week 30 Days to Video Marketing Stardom. I bought a copy and it is the next best thing to winning this prize. Check it out. If you are new to video or like me know a little this will power you to video stardom.

What abundance did you have in your life today?

be inspired


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