August Abundance + The Heart Whisper Reading
I decided last week after being interviewed by Heather Bestel, the founder of The Happiness Garden where I am the guest expert on Law of Attraction and Abundance for the month. Heather has interviewed me and says this :
Suzie has been using the magic of manifesting and principles of Law of Attraction in her own life for many years. Most recently on her amazing healing journey. It’s five years this month that Suzie turned a life threatening illness into her most powerful challenge to date and not only lived to tell the tale, but is now helping others on their own wellness journey.
I witnessed her inspiring recovery and have invited her to share her story with us in this interview.
Members of the Garden are focussing on Abundance this month and I feel honored to have been asked to develop a Law of Attraction workshop just for the Happiness Gardeners as well as to be interviewed and share my story.
I then thought , let’s do Abundance in August here on the blog and in The Heart Whisper Circle. I will share more about this during the week
I then made a video at my abundance place the beach, that I followed with the August Heart Whisper Monthly Reading.
The cards that I drew spoke to my heart and I trust they resonate for you too.
These are the words I wrote in response to the cards:
Expect miracle and that comes with Hope. Awaken yourself to be expecting miracles, where the impossible becomes possible. You do this by following the whispers of your heart.
This is month set your path, follow the path and focus on expecting miracles as you fully embrace the love that you are, that surrounds you and opens into abundance in all areas of your life.
As Wayne Dyer said: I am realistic, I expect miracles
How does this reading resonate for you?
I would love to hear in the comments what miracle you are expecting in August.
This is one of the new range of Heart Whisper T Shirts at Amazon
all my love
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More COLOR ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ AND TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE.
♥Get you own set of Heart Whisper Oracle cards here
7 Uplifting Inspirations for Attracting Abundance NOW
Join in here for a Month of Abundance where I am the Abundance and Law of Attraction Expert

I made a potential love connection last week Suzie, so these three cards are just perfect for reminding me not to run away from it but to embrace it! 🙂
Ellen I love this and your comment to embrace the love and then believe that it is perfect and will manifest in perfect ways for the highest good of all concerned ?
I’m always open to good abundance, Suzie, in all areas of my life – family, friends, prosperity, health – you name it. I saw your reading as one of hope that if we stay focused and in a place of love, abundance is ours this month.
Yes Vatsala, that is part of the challenge many have is one of really know what they want and then believing they can have or are worthy of it. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an abundance filled month ?
Hi, Suzie
yes, no doubt, everybody wants abundance. Many people don’t know how to get that. I appreciate you are one of the persons to spread “abundance” to people.
Stella Chiu
Thanks Stella so true. Some people need to tap into their own abundance that lies within and then they wi see it on the outside. Then they have to be ready ?
Love the cards… so aligned with right where I am, Suzie. I alway smile when I read your creative posts. Thank you!
Hi Dawn , thank you that delights me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ?
I am definitely ready for miracles now and always!. How could I not if they are here all the time? Lovely video as usual Suzie <3
Hi Claudia Love your comment and yes wonderful when we can see that they are here all the time Thanks for you praise I appreciate you xx
I think this reading gives my heart much needed solace Suzie. I’ve been doing a lot of inner work and re-evaluating so much lately. This really does give me hope.
Love to you.
Zeenat that is amazing , I understand the reevalulating , I feel it is a journey that I may be almost complete on. for this stage, and as I say in Emergings- in the wings there is another step out a new path to take, the cycle starts again Big hugs and love Suzie xxoo
During my morning prayers every day I always add: “Thank you for the totality of possibilities given to us each and every day, because that’s the place where miracles are born, and I still believe in, and expect, miracles.”
Hi Barb, thank you for that reminder, that is wonderful , taking note to add to my prayers. A great reminder xx
There is so much excitement around this idea – I think you are part of a big wave of joyful abundance that is here for us and that we are just waking up to! Thank you for helping all of us welcome abundance – here and now – with open arms!
Hi Reba, you comment absolutely brings me joy. I love that you feel that way and are opening your arms to abundance big hugs xxoo
So happy and honoured to have you as our guest expert in our Month of Abundance in The Happiness Garden lovely. It couldn’t have been anyone else really 😉 It really is a most powerful interview. I’m so glad it honours your journey.
I was blessed to witness it and if I can help share it in any way I know it will help others and will spread the word about your work. The world needs to hear it and heal. Big hugs xx
Thank you Heather, yes the interview was amazingly powerful and confirmed for me why I must share my journey and my story. I think there a a higher spirit coming through. We’ll talk more tonight love and hugs Suzie xxoo
Welcome Paula. Love that the the cards resonate for you, yes we are going to have an awesome August xx
I cannot agree more; these cards resonate with me.
For the month of August, I am expecting abundance in every area of my life.