
Can You Expect Miracles When Your Are Blocking Your Inner Knowing?

My question to meditate on was
How will I break my blocks to selling on a daily basis?

So when I drew the Expect Oracles card with the message

Then picked up my pen to journal. These were the words that flowed onto the pages of my journal:

So each day step onto your path of love, that means doing the daily inner work that empowers you and keeps you aligned to your purpose. The daily journaling and visualize all the happy, loving heart whisperers around the world, They are fully loving themselves and seeing their lives changing each day through the power of love that comes from working with you, your products and services.

Find new services and products to offer them and build on what you have.

The new Heart Whisper tee shirts and jewellery that is on the drawing board.

Keep it simple and use the resources at hand, You have so many products sitting in the wings,

You must break my pattern of free! Free is great, now is the time to receive in new ways.

Make it easy for people to work with you and buy from you. Start today!

Wow that was a download that I nearly didn’t post, but i thought in sharing that, as well as opening myself to expect miracles it might help one of you out there that struggles in the are of selling your message.

What area of you life are you hiding your God given magic away from ? 
Open Your heart To The Power of LOVE : Listen, heal and prosper
all my love
Suzie  xxx
Get you own inner wisdom in tune with your heart, get you own deck of Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle cards
Heart Whisper Oracle Cards
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