Today I am sitting at Snapper Rocks in the healing sun. Currently I have been really slowed down by a dose of sciatica and a sore throat, not something I am enjoying. Below are the words that flowed as I shuffled my cards while gazing into the magic blues of the sea.. By being BOLD. […]
Be Authentic ~ Are You Being True To You?

BEach Inspirations: Be Authentic ~ 8 Authentic Self Quotes “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” — C.G. Jung Are You Being True To You? Shailene Woodley’s quote “I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don’t have self-love, and respect for everything about your […]
My Heart and Soul Journey: Prescription 2

Yesterday Patty Rose from Meaningful Movement and one of My 30 Day productivity friends left in her comment: I look forward to seeing your progression on this heart and soul journey. Hence I have decided to call this series of Prescription Painting: My Heart and Soul Journey and I plan to share one a day […]
Abundance Books: The Architecture of Abundance

I am currently reading 3 books on abundance, each has a different focus. I have said I would share Abundance resources and these books are a great addition to your Abundance and prosperity library. The first one is The Architecture of All Abundance: Seven Foundations to Prosperity by Lenedra J. Carroll has been sitting on […]