Is There An Upside To Procrastination?

 There Is A Downside Too! “Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage.” ~Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby Do you experience self-sabotage? I do and this morning was a wonderful example of just how I allow procrastination to stop me. I started the day with gratitude, meditation, a tapping on procrastination,  etc.  I then did let’s […]

Developing a New Habit and Making it Stick!

Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going.  ~Jim Rohn It’s July 1 a new month and a great time to develop a new habit. Do you often set out with a great intention to start something new, make the plan and somehow not follow through? I know I have. This […]

Are You In The Flow? Prescription 6

Sometimes life just flows, Sometimes life can be a struggle. I know today is an in the flow day by how I feel and the actions I am taking. Prescription 6 is for me an in the flow painting, like the water it depicts, the sea flows in and out and with life if we […]

Does Keeping Your Commitments Empower You? Prescription 5

Being empowered brings both joy and success, so often becomes disempowered by feeling we don’t have enough time.  Does time sometimes stop you keeping the commitments you make to yourself and that you have announced to the world? I has announced that I was going to paint each day for 21 days! Saturday morning  I […]