Is There An Upside To Procrastination?

 There Is A Downside Too! “Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage.” ~Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby Do you experience self-sabotage? I do and this morning was a wonderful example of just how I allow procrastination to stop me. I started the day with gratitude, meditation, a tapping on procrastination,  etc.  I then did let’s […]

Productivity Queen Helen Raptopolous To Share Her 8 Top Tips

Action Habits-Helen Raptoplous

Learn How To Be More Productive Helen Raptopolous  challenges you to stop being busy and start being productive. Helen will share what she knows works and take you step by step through her top 8 ways to becoming more productive. On the call you will learn: The one thing that is stopping you from hitting […]