Allow Yourself to Receive

March Heart Whisper Reading Moving from Summer to Autumn(Fall) in the Southern Hemisphere and From Winter to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere Wow, a powerful reading. I asked what will move us into abundance in March in flow, ease, and grace Firstly 2 cards flew out as I started to shuffle. Then I drew the […]
How To Make April Awesome and Abundant?

Welcome to April Yes a new month and time for transformation. This is the month to step up and shine. This is the month to bring in new energy. Are You Ready To Receive, Expect Miracles And Step Into Your Life Full of Joy? When I sat down to do the Heart Whisper Oracle reading for […]
Chocolate Slabs And Keeping It Simple?

Simplicity is natures first step, and the last of art. ~ Philip James Bailey Do You Keep Things Simple Or Keep Adding Layers in the Hope of Getting Greater Clarity or a Better Picture? Four years ago yesterday I was told I had 25% chance of recovery from an autoimmune disease that went rogue and caused a […]
Get The Crap Out Of Your Life!

Get the crap out of your life! Wow those were the words that spilled onto the pages of my journal on Wednesday followed by ” That’s anything that takes you away from shining your light on the world!” I had just drawn the card for the day which was The Cosmos from Collette Baron-Reid Wisdom […]