Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 9 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Morgana Rae whose book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation launches on Amazon on Monday January 23, 2023.

MORGANA RAE is the international #1 best-selling author of “Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation.” She is regarded to be the world’s #1 authority on transforming relationship with money. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, all the major television networks, Coast to Coast Radio, and she was a recurring Money Maven on Fox TV.  Morgana’s fans call her “the Money Goddess” because of the many documented examples of clients making unexpected income of 4, 5, 6, and even 7 figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. A pioneer in personal development for close to 30 years, Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic entrepreneurs, artists, healers, and humanitarians to have a big impact in the world… and to heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.

In her book, Financial Alchemy, Morgana walks you through her time-tested program to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. The book is a self-guided system to help you uncover your limiting blocks to abundance and transform your relationship with money using a SUCCESS FORMULA that keeps you on track and positively “magnetic”.

Today, I’d like to share with you a recent interview I had with Morgana when I got to ask her some questions on attracting high-end clients plus other tips for coaches. I hope you enjoy it.

Suzie Cheel: When we wake up feeling full of gratitude and in abundance we bring magic into our lives. What steps can we take to kindle and heighten those feelings of gratitude and abundance when we are feeling fearful?

Morgana Rae: This is the heart of Alchemy! Alchemy is the transmutation of leaden human experience into spiritual gold. The lead becomes really useful. It’s the fuel for transformation. Instead of pretending that the fears aren’t there, I say GO FOR THEM! Really uncover the fears. Really address them. Bring them to light. Don’t hide from them. Pretending that they’re not there is sort of like putting a Band-Aid on a wound that’s full of poison: it will just turn inward and poison you. What we want to do is remove the poison.

Yeah, you’ve got fears. I’m going to give you some tips right now on how to use those fears and get rid of them. We want to turn those fears into your “Money Monster.” This is the monster that wants to prevent us from everything that we want to have or do or be.

You see, we think we want money. But really, if you take a look at the world, money is the big EXCUSE. Money is the bogeyman. Money is the thing that gets in the way of our dreams. There’s so much pain around the abuse of money, or the lack of money, that are a part of us needs to protect ourselves from money. So at the same time that we’re consciously pursuing it—working hard, doing everything we think we’re supposed to do to make a living–unconsciously we’re also pushing it away! And the unconscious always wins.

So I say personify all of it into a Money Monster person, and get rid of the monster… so that you can have a new relationship with money, what I call your Money Honey, a relationship worth having.

Then let’s say one day in the future you’ll wake up and something happens that triggers you. You’re feeling anxious, or you’re just feeling human. But now you’ve got this new juicy, wonderful, loving new relationship with money in your life: your Money Honey! TALK to your money and say, “I’m feeling anxious.  What do you want me to do so I can feel less anxious?” 

Do what your money tells you to do, and your life will never be the same!

Suzie Cheel: Money or the lack of money stops so many people from moving forward and doing what is their heart’s desire. How can Financial Alchemy® guide people to move from lack and debt into abundance?  

Morgana Rae: Well, there are so many schools out there right now that are telling you to only think positive things, and that’s great if it works for you!  But what I have found is that life happens, and human beings have feelings, and we aren’t always enlightened. At least I’m not. So I had to come up with something different, something that would work for me…

In the Alchemy process, the more anxiety and upset you have, the more polarity is readily available to you. You have an unfair advantage! Alchemy goes back tens of thousands of years, and the first step is extracting the lead. You don’t get punished for having bad feelings; the Law of Attraction police are not going to come to your house and arrest you.

Instead, the more you feel into this process the better it works!  I don’t want it to be a cute idea.  Cute ideas don’t do anything. When you have a real experience, and your monster is horrible and terrifying and then you get rid of it, you can have the opposite: your Money Honey is even bigger and more beautiful.  

For instance here are real life results. My client Leslie made $1.2 million dollars over a weekend after I coached her on a Friday. The cash was like a side benefit. The change had already happened. Her new Money Honey was so real to her, and she felt so loved in the relationship, BEFORE the dollars showed up. She told me what her Money Honey looked like, what he sounded like, what he felt like, what he smelled like. He was a REAL person to her, even though he was imaginary, and she felt alive and beautiful and loved. And now she’s learning how to work less hard, have better relationships, and attract more and more abundance by making her “Money Honey” happy!

Suzie Cheel: How can we use our so-called failures for research and development so we can move towards our own financial success?

Morgana Rae: “I love that! This is what I say to my clients all the time: All of those years of failing and struggling in some area of life is Research and Development. Whatever your big challenge has been, whether it’s relationship or health or money or all of them, your failure makes you an expert in that area of the human experience, so that when you come out of it you know something really valuable that can help other people.

I would not have what I teach today if I had not been such a spectacular financial failure myself, back in the day. I was doing everybody’s programs. It didn’t matter whether I was taking classes in business building and marketing, or creating a website or getting a millionaire mind-set, doing a vision board. Meditating with a green candle and having a great attitude?  So what!  I was still making $100 a month, even though I had half a dozen coaching certifications, celebrity testimonials, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

The gift of all of those years in such a hard and dark and horrible place (that I really want to spare other people) is that I got to understand a certain problem so well–from direct experience–that I’ve become world famous now as the solution to that problem: having a bad relationship with money, protecting ourselves from money, money being the enemy instead of the partner, financial limitation, fear of not enough, and all of the issues of worth and love and safety at the root of it all.  I only know this stuff so well because I lived it for a long time before I found my solution.  

After I changed my own relationship with money I saw pretty instant results (four new clients paying me twice what I had ever charged before, the very next day), and it just kept spiralling and spiralling and spiralling.

I’ve coached thousands of people, made millions of dollars, and now I travel the world marrying my husband 100 times in 100 countries. (Psst! I slayed my “Love Monster” and met him two months later.) 

The gift of pain is that it teaches us humility and empathy and respect for the pain of others.  There can be an arrogance with happiness.  We can’t comprehend (or we blame) people who are in a bad spot.  But when you’ve been in that bad spot yourself, you look at other people with different eyes, and a different caring, and a different respect, and a different ability to help.

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Morgana Rae and that you’ll check out her book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation at

Here’s why:

Money, Love & Magic Telesummit! 

11 Money, Love & Magic Mentors Share Their Wisdom on this

FR*EE 3-Day Online Event

January 17th, 18th & 19th, 2023

12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm UK

Book your place FREE at

Over the course of 3 days, Morgana and her guests will be exploring how unlock your magical powers of manifestation to attract money effortlessly by putting LOVE first. 

Here’s Morgana’s wonderful guest line-up:

This special 3-Day Summit is Morgana’s FR*EE gift to you

to celebrate the launch of her book, Financial Alchemy

coming out on Monday January 23, 2023.


When you buy Morgana’s book on Monday January 23, 2023, Morgana would like to give you the MP3 downloads of the Money, Love & Magic telesummit


You’ll also receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me: 

7 Uplifting Inspirations

To claim your FREE pass to the Money, Love & Magic Telesummit!

and read about the free gifts, go to:

Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback. 

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