Has that ever worked for you before?

If not, why would it work now?

I know, you are looking for the one key that will open the door for you to abundance. 🌈

I’ve been there, done that, more often than I recall.☹️

The problem with that is you are still looking outside yourself.

Looking for a way to finally have the freedom to truly make a difference.

That one more course, one more training program that will create success might exist.



But it will only work for you if and when you do the hard work of going within.

So often your desire for change has you looking outside yourself for the answers
Yet the answers are within your beautiful self💜

Take the time to dive deep and get crystal clear on your own vision, and then truly embrace it.🔮

Even if it seems scary.

Because when you embrace and embody that big vision you have deep in your heart that show other freedom seekers a way to be more of who they really want to be.

How do I know, you ask?

Well I’ve been there!

Yes just one more training, one more qualification to add to the list I already have

A Masters of Applied Science (Social Ecology) which did admittedly have me connecting online back in the day before the world wide web. The forerunner to my passion now for connecting with Social Media.

What else?
Trained Teacher,
Reiki 1 and 2,
Law of Attraction Facilitator,
Vision Board Coach,
Angel Intuitive,
🖼Colour and Design,
🙏Ho’oponopono Certification
Not to mention all the personal development ones ………


I hear my heart yell

“None of those have made you rich!”💰

It did give me lots of tools and great experiences.

But the breakthrough did not come until I embraced the truth that I AM ENOUGH , just as I am and learning to truly love and value myself.

Time to really know you are enough?Yes it is time to believe you are more than enough Share on X

Come join my private community Limitless Abundance where we explore knowing you are enough and more 

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10 Responses

  1. I love this wisdom Suzy, “But the breakthrough did not come until I embraced the truth that I AM ENOUGH , just as I am and learning to truly love and value myself.” Learning to love and value ourselves is at the foundation of self-nurturing and opening to receiving all of the blessing in our lives. Thank you for sharing this important message! Sending much love to you!

  2. Suzie, OMG what a powerful blog! Yes, we must go within to be success “out-there” and believe in the fact that we are enough. Why don’t they offer courses and degrees in “Embracing That You Are Enough.” Sharing.

  3. I was happy to read the content of your blog. I immediately replied to the title “It won’t”. You ARE enough. I AM enough. We bth have the tools and experience. Time to use them in all our “enoughness”! 🙂

    1. Absolutely true- yes Debbie you and i have so many experiences and tools plus qualifications and when we are fully embracing our enoughness we step into our purpose and passion and then we can make an impace and leave a legacy xxoo

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