Are You Celebrating Your Life Today?


I Am So Happy I Am Alive! July 16th was a special day for me. It was the day last year that I found myself in hospital with a kidney failure. This was an out of the blue event and quite scary as I had almost, well really no kidney function, I could have died. […]

Farnoosh Brock and Her Passion for Green Juicing


The Love of Green Juicing Could you fall in love with green juices? Well Farnoosh Brock has and you will see, hear and feel her passion for juicing in the fun interview we did recently. You will discover the benefits of green juice as Farnoosh shares stories from her Green Juicing Clinic. Join The Juicing […]

Quantum Healing Helps Release My Back Pain

Quantum healing is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy – Deepak Chopra Three weeks ago I was invited by my friend Amy to attend a day on Quantum Healing. Initially my reaction […]

Painting Through the Pain: Healing Through Art

“Creativity opens the door to the healing pathway”~ Suzie Cheel On Monday afternoon I decided to head from the bed to my studio and paint through the pain I was feeling in my back and ribs. I had a white piece of paper on the table and was drawn to the watercolour crayons. I noticed […]