How to Make A Gratitude Jar

when we are grateful

When we are patient, we allow gratitude to flow. We hear the whispers of our heart, and the doors to abundance open. Using A Gratitude Jar To Empower You When we count our blessings on a daily basis we raise our vibes, bring more abundance into our loves which is empowering. I makes us feel good. […]

How to Create A Rush Of Love To YOU!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Create A Rush of Love I Love You, I Really Love You……. How often do you say those words to yourself? How often do you stand in front of the mirror and said I love […]

Happiness Is A Choice

 Do you choose to embrace happiness each day? I asked the question: How do you choose to embrace happiness each day?on my facebook page on Monday in preparation for being a Happiness Crusader today. My inspiring friend Linda Joy is releasing her new book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing […]