How To Ramp Up Your Abundance With A Gratitude Journal

The Grace Of Gratitude Journal by Deborah Perdue Today I spoke with Deborah Purdue the author of The Grace of Gratitude Journal.  Deborah sent me a copy to review and when I opened the envelope I knew this was something I would use and my current gratitude journal was almost full. Wonderful timing. This is one […]

What Are You Willing To Release That Will Empower You?


“I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it”― Louise L. Hay What Are You Willing to Release Today? Today I drew the River Queen Oracle Card  from the Wisdom of The Hidden Realms oracle cards. it […]

Do You Say Yes To You? This Takes Courage!


I say yes to love, I say yes to life, I say yes to me and my heart whispers thank you. ~Suzie Saying YES to You Does Take Courage! When we step into being caring for ourselves FIRST we are addressing  the issue of self-love head on.  When we leave our self-care to chance, lack of self-care […]