Finding My Top Passions

Passion test

Getting Clear About My Now Passions Attend The Passion Marathon Tuesday June 15th 11am PST- 8Pm PST Below is what  I worked on in the video and I have highlighted my top 5 passions that emerged as I followed the passion test instructions: Look at you list and starting at the top ask yourself if […]

My Passion Test

Take The Passion test

Getting Real About My Passions: Yes I did take the online Passion Test and I discovered I still had some work to do. I went back to the book and followed the suggested instructions on page 28. Make a list of 10 or more of the most important things in your life, the things that […]

Passion Is Not About Playing Small?

Vison Board

More on Passion: There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living — Nelson Mandela This wonderful quote came in an email today and it got me thinking about playing small  and living large. I then looked at my […]

Are You Living A Passionate Life?

Passion Test

Passion Test Review Take The Passion Test Today “There are two great days in a person’s life—–The day we were born and the day we discover why?”– William Barclay My copy of the Passion test until Tuesday had been unopened for a year or so. There were  several  Postits in the book where I  had […]