How Soul Art Day Brought Me A Priceless Gift

The Final Cut I knew that Soul Art Day would be special for me, as it had been in the past 3 years. What I didn’t know realise was that it would bring me a priceless gift. The gift, simple as it may seem, was the value of taking imperfect action. This is my 4th Soul Art […]
Suzie’s 365 Painting Challenge

The Daily Heart Painting of 100 Becomes 365! Am I Crazy? Maybe just a slightly wild idea 🙂 Back in January I embarked on a 12 day painting journey for 10 minutes a day and I started to feed my creative spirit again. After 10 days I kept going for 2 more days and then declared to The Big […]
Get The Crap Out Of Your Life!

Get the crap out of your life! Wow those were the words that spilled onto the pages of my journal on Wednesday followed by ” That’s anything that takes you away from shining your light on the world!” I had just drawn the card for the day which was The Cosmos from Collette Baron-Reid Wisdom […]
100 Days Of Heart Whisper Paintings

What do you do each day that keeps your heart in touch with your creative spirit? I have continued my daily 10-15 minutes of painting each day since I completed my 10 x 10 series back in January. I love it. Usually I do it when I first wake- It is like a morning meditation […]