Patience Uncovers My True Passion

The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 4 Hold onto your hats , there is more change! I know I thought after last week I had the clarity to move forward fearlessly on my rebranding journey. I knew that there was a niggling doubt surfacing, Des could tell my heart wasn’t totally singing. Then I started talking with the […]
The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity: Part Two
Update: A Week of Hard Work and Progress 🙂 It Wasn’t An Easy Week Why do I feel things can magically change overnight? This is My Promised Update: (In case you you don’t know what I am updating head here first) Here is what I am doing now with getting my brand sorted out to be fully productive and […]
Do You Love A Challenge?

Amethyst Mahoney Has Set Me A Challenge! On Tuesday Amethyst from Heart and Soul Connections interviewed me about my card for The Divine Love Oracle card deck she has complied from 40 of the heart and soul group members on Facebook. I missed out initially when Amethyst first called for people to choose the card […]
Is Joy A Choice You Make Each Day?

Can You Feel The Joy? I shared this earlier today in The Heart Whisper Circle and I asked the other Heart Whisperers: What speaks to you here today? These were their responses. I was delighted. I love that one painting creates so many different visions and emotions. Kim: My heart whispers,” Share your joy with all who share […]