The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 4
Hold onto your hats , there is more change!
I know I thought after last week I had the clarity to move forward fearlessly on my rebranding journey. I knew that there was a niggling doubt surfacing, Des could tell my heart wasn’t totally singing.
Then I started talking with the wonderful people who volunteered to be interviewed. Your responses confirmed that.
We kept on with the branding process,writing copy, then on Tuesday L’Erin in the facebook group, the question as asked: What is your biggest business dream:
Without me doing any real thinking, my Heart responded and these words flowed onto the page:
My biggest dream is to complete my book,Lucky To Be Alive, be speaking to thousands, make that millions online and around the world, with my Heart Whisper Paintings as my backdrop. Sharing my story of saving my life through really learning to love myself and showing others how to do the same through listening to the whispers of their heart and living their heart’s desire This will create ripples of change and bring more love and more peace to the world.
I immediately sent these words to my accountability partner saying: This raises a few mission questions?
NOTE TO SELF: This was the message you got back in 2011:
It’s all about love Suzie. You will be healed when you see and feel only love for you first, then you will be all that you have to love and to give. When it is totally anchored in inner peace and that feeling of pure joy that allows the awakening that is already you to emerge. That’s the inspiration, that’s the ripple effect. ~ Suzie 27/7/11
and also I recall writing similar words especially about speaking with my hearts as a backdrop earlier as one of my goals. What’s that about having to hear something 3 times? 🙂
I felt a shift in my heart and mind. Then a sense of calm. My heart knew.
Patience is not my greatest virtue, but I have been working on it and it has paid off.
Then it was time to review all the work that I had done on Brand Identity, in the first week and, make adjustments. The shift was from clarity to change. I said I am now about embracing change and we coined my new tagline:
Creating Change from the Heart
I was excited, my heart was smiling. This has been a long journey for me.
These days I rarely buy a new domain on a whim, this time I was excited enough to want to check and see if it was available. There is was, was there. Like the universe was saying YES! I had drawn the Yes card on that very morning and then again 2 days later- just to confirm!
Really worthwhile change takes time and patience
That is so true. This is definitely a Marathon not a Sprint. I don’t know about you but I prefer the sprint! Today I can see that it is in trying to sprint that often I have skipped over and even ignored my own wisdom and guidance.
Often still looking outside for the magic bullet- GUILTY as charged! NO MORE…………
Then came an opportunity to share my breakthrough
I had the opportunity to step up on Thursday at a local Women Entreprenuers group I attend monthly, This is for Daring and Disruptive Women and a group where I feel right at home.
Susanne Ridolfi who runs this group asked : What spirited women would be open to sharing their ‘strategies’ and how they have had to adapt their Journey so far this year, to meet up with their Intentions and Goals for 2016. I volunteered the timing was perfect. I met with Susanne before the meeting and shared my story and my current adventure that had my January intentions turned upside down.
This is me speaking on Thursday morning to 30 Daring and disruptive women and I felt on fire. My confidence was high, I was inspiring others and the feedback I got truly had my heart singing. I knew I was on purpose and sharing my passion and inspiring others.
THANK You Suzie! Great sharing and wonderful contribution to us all!!! xx ~ Susanne
I have heard you speak 4 times now and today you were the most centered and you voice has dropped ~ Gillian
Loved hearing and feeling your excitement for life Suzie ~ Alana
I will travel to be hear you ~ Chris
What has stopped me getting to this point in the past?
- Thinking I could be all things to all people
- Holding onto the what ifs!
- Looking outside myself for the solution.
- Procrastination
- Not believing I can
I am sure you can add some more 🙂
Your encouragement and support through the many highways and by of this journey has helped me keep going thank you.
Have you realised your true calling?
I would love you help if you have 5 minutes. I have a quick survey
What’s Your Big Question About Following Your Heart’s Desire?
Link to survey
all my love
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥MoreCOLOR ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ AND TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE. ♥
Get you own set of Heart Whisper Oracle cards here or a reading here
The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 1| The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 2| The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 3. |The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 4 | The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 5 | The Challenge of Achieving Simplicity Part 6
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facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube You are so beautiful Suzie and I love coming to your blog. It lifts me up and refreshes me each time. Your art and inspiring words always touch me. Today’s in particular was moving for me I am on that journey of complete self-acceptance and self-love.
Suzie, you bring so much sparkle and joy to the world…you are my role model for vibrant living
Get Advance Notice of Lucky To Be Alive
What an awesome journey, it sounds like the Universe is leading you to such exciting places and so love your enthusiasm and willingness to say “Yes!” – a real inspiration to me, thank you ♡
How wonderful for you Suzie to have found your heart centred place. As an impetuous soul I can totally relate to the impatience. But I also know that everything arrives at its appointed hour. Continue to shine your bright light dear one..the world needs your unique and brilliant presence. 🙂
Elle, you always make my heart sing. Yes being an impetuous soul is a gift and a burden 🙂 your words today lifted my soul: the world needs your unique and brilliant presence. you might find me weaving those words into my new copy love Suzie
Hi Suzie,
This sounds really great! I especially love the part of you pulling the same card. And especially that card in that moment. It’s so amazing what cards can tell us!
Love, Kirsten
Welcome Kristen, yes it is amazing how that cards can tap into what our heart knows 🙂 thank you
Are you trying to be all things to all people? There it is, what I see as performing, rather than being. Congratulations on moving past that, Suzie – that’s a BIG ONE. xo, Reba
Yes Reba it is a big one and when you are about wanting to change the world I think we sometimes forget that and allow our helping mode to come to the fore 🙂 xxoo
Seems patience is a really big one for most of us. It makes sense cause all our lives we had so much to do & juggle & no time to waste. Not at real adulthood, be it boomer or beyond, it is time for ourselves & of course, we want to move fast, get to our highest place. I am a firm believer that where I am at any given moment is exactly where I am meant to be, even if I don’t like it.
Thank you Roslyn, You words brought me back to earth : I am a firm believer that where I am at any given moment is exactly where I am meant to be, even if I don’t like it., This last words very poignant 🙂 xo
I resonate with everything about this Suzie, and truly “feel” your shift and your voice dropping. When we arrive at that heart and soul-centered place, we just know it. Every ounce of our being is in alignment and has conspired to support us. I started my year with a lot of clarity and then life events got in the way and I am also continuously reassessing and re-examining what makes my heart sing and my soul fly! Congratulations to you for arriving at the place which sounds like it will be a spring board to your heart whispers and fulfillment on all levels of your being. Patience is such a big one for me, and someone today suggested I imagine myself in the future where my intentions and desires have all manifested. I feel like I have been asked to continue to practice patience and trust everything is unfolding in perfect timing. Trust and patience. Hmm. A very interesting couple indeed. 😉 xo
Beverley thank you your comment is so inspiring to me when I fell into a little of the self doubt today, pulling it all together is not quite as simple and easy as I had pictured 🙂 I love the suggestion you were give. As you say Trust and patience are maybe strange bedfellows……. Maybe just a path we continue on as we continue on the path to a fuller self-actualisation . 🙂 xo
Patience….Marathon…..healing. Love this post Suzie. My journey has been similar, Learning how to honor my needs first and then turn to those who I really care about. When we give from the overflow rather than the cup itself, there is a qualitative difference in what we give and how it is received. The Divine’s time is not always my time. And when I release and allow divine timing to be in charge, everything goes so much more smoothly. Thanks for creating the space for me to “get” this lesson again.
Hi Tina, Amazing how we often need to get the lesson more than once, Happy this created the space for you to revisit and relearn 🙂
This “My confidence was high, I was inspiring others and the feedback I got truly had my heart singing. I knew I was on purpose and sharing my passion and inspiring others.” along with your picture talking to those women makes MY heart sing. Awesome journey Suzie!
Welcome Claudia
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment , appreciate you 🙂
Go Suzie! I love that you have identified your blocks:
“What has stopped me getting to this point in the past?
Thinking I could be all things to all people
Holding onto the what ifs!
Looking outside myself for the solution.
Not believing I can”
I have a feeling those feelings are felt by many. I know they certainly resonate for me as potential “stopping points” if I turn a blind eye.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Melissa, great that they resonate for you , especially if you turna blind eye- that is so true and sometimes I find the head takes over and I miss the blind eye:)
Thank you for sharing your powerful journey Suzie! It’s amazing how Spirit brings us exactly what we need to know repeatedly, until we get it! Patience is not my strong suit either but I’ve learned that there is a journey in going from A to B. Patience not only makes the journey more enjoyable but it also, as you so eloquently said, “… allows your true passion to emerge,when you open your heart and listen”. Patience also allows the pieces to align when we’re ready. I’m so excited for you and look forward to reading more! <3
Hi Pamela, Thank you for you enthusiastic response, yes as you say it us a journey and just now I am back in a bit of a struggle, but as you say go from A to B and as i wrote that i saw a way out, thank you , will update the process again next week xxoo
Thanks for this lovely reminder. I have been having impatient moments and that I am aware that it stops the flow of receiving. My angels and heart doing a headsmack of “There she goes again, wait, she on track and ugh.” I beginning to feel much more peace with the dance and flow of my heart’s whispers and the unknown.
Natasha thank you for my early morning laughter, love the images of the angels and the heart doing a headsmack- Oh I so get that, especially this morning as I was doing some of the headsmacking and forgetting to listen to my heart. My joy to remind you and me 🙂
Bang on Rebranding Suzie!!! Woohoo!! New Domain and New more centered you 🙂 And now we see all the patience in paying off 😉 Yeah I’m such an impatient bunny myself, so could relate big time.
I love the picture of you speaking to the group of women, you DO look so calm, centered and in your element. Inspiring people is what you do best…its SO apparent now.
I cant wait to see how you evolve your new domain.
So much fun being on this journey with you.
Sending you lots of love,
Thanks Zeenat and love having you on the journey too. Yes inspiring is what I do. I am much calmer and centered although had the wobbles yesterday, This is hard work and than heavens for Des to keep me going, I could just runaway and paint and create. Still this morning walking on the beach repeating Ho’oponopono to myself how I work with my ideal clients manifested. Now I am off to finished the update of emergings, so timely now for my rebranding. love and hugs Suzie xxoo
Oh my gosh, I resonate with this so much, I am not patient in the slightest and want everything right now!, thank you for making me ask myself questions x
Welcome Ruby, I love that my writing inspired you to maybe stop and ask 🙂 xxoo
I can so relate to your work around patience, Suzie. I love hearing about the steps you are taking and the progress you are making. I look forward to learning more about your new domain. Congrats, that is exciting news!
Thanks Cathy, right now I am directing the domain to and Creating Change from the Heart may become my program or a a membership site, heart has yet to whisper that. Yes it is exciting xxoo
Thank you for this delightful piece. It made me giggle because I can so relate. I get impatient waiting for things to manifest and also “forget” to apply my own wisdom. Then I will remember that learning to be patient, diligent, and persistent in my faith and efforts IS the reward – not the results I am waiting on. 🙂
Thank you Debbie you had me smiling as I read this . Yes it is so easy to forget what we so readily advise others to do 🙂
Thank you for sharing this journey Suzie, and I *love* your new domain, it’s gorgeous. Excited to see it evolve <3
Hi Ellen, thank you, for now it will be pointed to Hope to have the new look up by next week xxoo
What an deeply insightful post, Suzie. I’m so happy for you. And, I’m glad you shared your stumbling blocks because I face some of the same ones. And it’s okay, we’re headed in the right direction.
Yes Sandra we are moving forward and as I am finding there will maybe be a few more detours along the way 🙂 I love that my journey is supporting you and yours love Suzie xx
Good morning, Suzie! As we see the results of love in our own lives, our own healing, we remember that love is not to be hidden away like buried treasure. The world is so in need of love’s healing whether it is from a physical illness or from the illness of hate and violence. Your whole spirit shines forth so brightly and we all share in its reflection! Ah, Patience! So big with me. My feet long to run and skip, but when I quiet that urge I am able to see the daily BabySteps that accumulate into my “Heart’s Desires” / goals!
Yes Elsie I am finally embracing that I am ready to shine and be out there more. I love your words they warm my heart. Yes Baby steps are what help us all move closer to our heart’s desires. xxoo
Yes!!!! Love this so much!!! I have recieved VERY similar messages from the universe. Love your work and inspiration. Congratulations on wonderfuly moving forward in total authenticity to who you are! Would love to stay in touch xx
Welcome Cilla, great to meet you and do come and join the Circle on Facebook thanks for you heart warming comments. xx
I LOVE the name for you new domain Suzie! And I’d like to suggest that rather than focusing on what’s stopped you from getting to this point until now, consider that you have been right where you needed to be on this journey – learning and growing every step of the way. 🙂
Thanks Marty and thank you for your wisdom, you put it so beautifully and yes I know you are spot on thank you xxoo
Hi, Suzie
I enjoyed reading this post The patience is a big one. Your love for the people in the group with the voice of feminine power flowing through you to the students who needed to hear your message.
Yes Stella Patience is a big one and I like to think that as I get wiser I grow more patient, thank you for your beautiful words. xxoo
I enjoyed reading your reflections, journey, inspiration and joy…Suzie. Ah, the patience is a big one. Sometimes we are the student and sometimes the teacher – as in that powerful sharing at the women’s group with the voice of feminine power flowing through you to the students who needed to hear your message.
Teresa welcome and thank you for your observation re teacher and student, yes we are all both teacher and student. <3
Looks like the energy of love has embraced you and is sharing you with those who needed to hear your message. Congratulations.
Yes Joyce, funny it was the message give to me back in 2011!!!! I meant to include that . thank you xxoo
Thank you for sharing this amazing post. I am not the most patient person in the world but your words are so uplifting and they give me a new perspective on things! Keep it up with the amazing work!
Welcome Zaria, I love that you have a new perspective from my post and that you feel uplifted- one of my values. xx
Awesome! Congrats, Suzie! I am actually living my dream of teaching art to non-artists and developing myself as an artist and an aging woman. I want to continue to manifest what I need (I actually DO) and growing spiritually. You GO girl!!!
Jean I am dancing with you. how wonderful to be living your dream. Yes I finally feel that i am moving forward, rather than round and round xxoo