Have you chosen you word for 2017
Do you have one word to guide you and your life and/or business this year?
if not do you think you will?
I find the process helpful.
It forces me to look at what’s important for my life and business, not just what’s urgent or maybe even interesting
In the video below I show you the process I used to choose my word for the year or I let the word choose me.
Last year I chose 3 words
Bold, Focus and Dynamic.
I even had the words put on the bold painting I did for one of my mugs
This year I have one main word Trust and four supportive words.
I will see how that goes.
As I explain in the video I used my Heart Whisper Oracle Cards to choose my word for the year.
The card confirmed that this was to be my word. I then journaled about my feelings I desire to come from this word:
Abundance will flow when you trust in you and act on who you truly are here to be and to serve.
Be Bold
Be Open
Be Love
Be True
Be Sharing
Spread your wings and step into your truth.
It’s time to believe, to be true to you and really step into your power.
You know that space where love just is.
You know you are enough and there is a peace within that allows you to know you can.
Step into that space NOW and feel the abundance of the moment.
I would love to read what your word is for the year and how you chose it.
Why did you chose it and how will it make you shine in 2017?
If you would like a Heart Whisper painting of your word or have it put on a mug , phone cover etc
please contact me or leave a comment below.
All my love

Suzie, you bring so much sparkle and joy to the world…you are my role model for vibrant living
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Love your marketing strategy to brand our word. The word that comes to mind is “focus”. I love all the great ideas that come to mind that can send me off in all directions. So, I think focus is a good choice to keep me on track this year.
Oh Joyce thank yu for sharing and yes I relate to what you are saying . Focus is alwats a good word xxx
My 2017 word is teamwork. I’m going to be leading a large project this year and I need to build trust and support across all the people and elements of the project. Teamwork is a big word, requiring humor and humility and insight from the bottom up and top down.
Kim thanks for sharing your word- yes that is a big word love humor, humility and insight as your supporting words- look forward to reading about your project xxx
I worked with Ease and Fruition in 2016. This year I feel very called to have Service as a key word for what I want to do in the world, but I just came across a process that Chris Brogan uses and he strongly suggests 3 words for very specific reasons. I am going to sit with your idea, Suzie and also other ideas to come up with 3 words that both stand independently, but also work together harmoniously. We’ll see where it leads me, as 2016 was not exactly about ease or fruition. However, it was a 9 year, a completion year so perhaps that is what I did. As 2017 is a 1 year in a new 9 year cycle, it really offers us new beginnings and a chance to create a new!
Yes Beverley- Last year i worked with 3 words, this year i like the underpinning idea as My year being on of Trust that that is simple and flows with ease and grace . i like Vatsala’a My word this year is Integrate with the byline – Abundance & Prosperity with Creative Magic. yes I think 2017 heraling in a 1 year is a wonderful opportunity for change Thanks for sharing xxx
This year my word is HOPE because off all the uncertainty and negativity facing the world. We still have to have HOPE that there are good people out there.
Yes Betty- I totally agree and i always remember a close friend saying after my healing journey that i give Hope and a word i included in my cards. Thanks for sharing xx
This year my word is Ease / Easy.
That’s it.
If it’s not easy I’m not doing it.
It’s bringing a ton of change.
Love it Sue – one of my underpinning words and one i am painting for a gift too Yes I think 2017 is the start of a cycle of ease. Thanks for sharing your thoughts xx
Great topic, Suzie! My word/intention/theme for 2017 is ALIGNMENT.
Millen thanks for sharing, you have chosen a powerful word i see others sharing too xxx
Wonderful as always Suzie! Personally, I prefer to work with themes but the intention is the same, to remain focused on our goals and dreams. I’ve used this strategy for the past 3 years so I’m a big believer, but of course as you have said many times yourself, a strategy is only as good as the actions we take. I’ve known many more people who invested way more energy in picking a word than ever doing anything with it so it’s important that we keep in mind your word a tool, not the game plan.
Hi Marty, thanks for sharing your process and I understand how a theme can have the same if maybe not more powerful intention. Great reminder re taking action. My word this year is a daily intention for me xxx
My word for 2016 was Phoenix, Suzie, and it worked well to keep me going in a year that could be described as a Gothic/Alice in Wonderland/adventurous goulash. 🙂
My word this year is Integrate with the byline – Abundance & Prosperity with Creative Magic.
Let’s see how 2017 works out as a powerful number 1 year.
Love your word Vatsala wow phoenix and love 2017- especially the byline Thanks for sharing xxx
My word for now is clarity. I’d like to start 2017 with a clear direction. The clearer I am, the more focused results I get.
Thanks for sharing Evelyn I love that word and one that will be in my Next Heart Whisper deck of cards xx Clarity births success
Suzie, Love your process of choosing your word for the year.
My Mantra or words for this year is CARPE DIEM 🙂 Every year I choose just one word. But this year seems very expansive for me on a personal and business sense. Lots of internal breakthroughs happened as the year changed. Hence Carpe Diem. I’m in full mode to Seize this year and make it my year to FLY. No limits.
xoxo, Z~
Zeenat that is magical i love it and i can see you seizing the day and flying. thanks fr sharing xxx
Great thoughts Suzie…my word for the year is definitely JOYFUL. 🙂
Hi Elle, thanks for sharing such a wonderful word and such a high vibe felling word xxx
Loved your video and I have been using one word yearly themes for quite some time. My 2017 word is expression as I am ready to express my authentic self through my writing, video and by starting a blog. This is my year to truly express myself and my creativity.
Welcome Colleen Love your word and creativity so taps into your word. Look forward to seeing your authentic self emerge xxx
My words for 2017: Showing up with my Divine guidance.
Love it Lea, for me that involved trusting too thanks for sharing xxx
This is a great suggestion! I will see what feels right to me and hold it in my heart as the year unfolds. Thank you 🙂
Hi Allanah look forward to reading what unfolds for you xxx
My word for 2017 is Grace flowing into abundance…
Love it Deborah as it is one of my supplementary words that will guide me this years thanks for sharing xxx
My word for 2017 is Authentic. I will live my life authentically and that will carry over into my work, my passions and my relationships.
Love that Barb, when we are and fell authentic I believe our live flows with ease and grace Thanks for sharing xxx
Resilience is my word. It helps me overcome anything 🙂
Welscome Susan. great word and one I relate to too, what keeps me going sometimes 🙂 xx
I really liked Suzie how you went deeper and discovered your real words. Thank you for sharing. My words are Divine Intervention. It had been my theme for the clients’ work that I do (many miracles happen for my clients once they start opening up to possibilities) and I realized that it works for me too. As I decided to embrace these words for myself I am witnessing miracles all the time. Very much like you Suzie, I TRUST.
Welcome Lira. I love your words and the possibilities that are coming when one opens up. I love you are witnessing miracles xxx
I chose “NOW” to motivate me to stop procrastinating. But I am also inclined to choose SUNSHINE to remember to spend more time outdoors. 🙂 There are so many great words, Suzie!
Mihaela welcome choose NOW as your word and have sunshine as one of you supporting words. Make a picture or a board in pinterestxx
Healing is the word for this year for me, Suzie. I am on a healing path and am changing/ have changed how I eat, how I exercise, so many things. I am working with a distance healer recommended by my cousin, and I am blown away by the results so far! New Year love to you! <3
Jean i am delighted that you are attracting the people and resources you need for you healing journey- you will have an amazing story to share and i look forward to supporting and watching you heal xxx
As you know my word for 2017 is UNCOMPLICATED and the supporting words are ease and simplicity. 2017 is also the year of living goalessly – to meander more, be more and do less. Of course this flies in the face of me believing I’m an overachiever and need to have a plan for just about everything. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
Peggy I love your words and I am looking forward to watching how you release you overachieving streak. Right now I seem to be joining you as I am really not wanting to lay out a specific plan, beyond getting my book completed and my art into the world. I do ned a plan for that to complete- We are told we need goals so this will be interesting for you xxx
I have two words, Suzie: Prospering Exxxxxpansion! Last year it was”Passionate, Prospering Partnerships in Sacred Service” or P3 + S2. I was invited to be a part of 6 anthologies; I happily accepted and 4 were published last year with two coming out this Spring. I can’t wait to see what unfolds from the Universe with these TWO, NEW WORDS! Appreciating your beautiful words, “…You know that space where love just is.
You know you are enough and there is a peace within that allows you to know you can.
Step into that space NOW and fell the abundance of the moment.” xo Hugs to you!
Thanks Lore- I will watch with interest on how you words bring more magic into your life. They are 2 wonderful words to step into 2017 with xx
Thank you for suggesting this idea, Suzie. I like it. The single word for the coming year that just automatically popped into my mind is “growth.” Feels right. I love the FOCUS acronym. I hadn’t heard that one before.
Hi Debbie. love growth maybe you can make an acronym for the worth that supports you on 2017 I was just thinking couls I come up with one for my word xxx
Presence is a beautiful word Sandra and sounds like you too. Hone is to focus and not sure how you would incorporate fluctuate. do you still do the annual reading that is in Leonie’s planners? I have just done a new one for myself with a focus card to start with in the centre surrounded by the twelve cards for the month-I might write a blog post on it. Having the focus card underpinning the 12 months felt good. xxx
I haven’t decided on my word for the year yet, Suzie. “Presence” is a strong possibility, however I also want to convey a sense of embodiment. And, I had a Tarot reading done, which suggested some other words like “hone” and “fluctuate.” I love how you have a main word as well as supporting words. That may be the perfect way for me to go too.
I feel like focus is the right word for me this year. Thanks for the reminder to pick word for the year, I think that is so helpful. So great that you make art objects for the words. You are so creative, Suzie. Have a great new year!
Cathy focus is a great word also wonderful acronym: Follow one course until successful 🙂 Yes I find a word does help keep one on track . Thanks yes planning more creativity xxx