Prescription 7 was a painting that came from within- it reminded me of my many years of painting when I started with a blank canvas and I just choose some colors and started painting. This was what happened with this painting it also reminded me of a series I painted on silk many years ago.I love the color of the sky and the sea with the earthy tones of the sand, the earth and the desert. Prescription 7a came when Des asked did I have a card we could send to his brother for his birthday so I said I would paint one.
I took out some paper and painted the picture you see on the right. Yes I used the mornings painting as the inspiration. This difference was after putting down the initial colors I put some thought into creating more detail and texture. Des was really happy with the result.
I’ll be back tomorrow with Prescription 8.
Live in abundance, be the change and make a difference TODAY!
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Hi Suzie, 7a really speaks to me! I love the subtle use of color in the land portion. Lovely. I’d love to hear how this morning painting activity impacts your feelings and productivity for the remainder of the day.
Hi Columbia,
Great you dropped by, yes I like 7a too, wasn’t a morning painting and had a purpose.
At the moment it is allowing my creativity to re-emerge, I kept saying i didn’t have time for it and it has brought back a joy of blogging, not noticing any great jump in productivity yet 🙂