Be still, be calm
Allow the love to flow
And as the love flows
The pure diamond
That is within
Reveals it’s light
It begins to shine
And reflect to you
All the love it holds
Sit still for now
And feel
The power of
Your own being
Of the love that is you.-Suzie Cheel
Welcome to Day 4 of the Love Challenge. If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready.
Let’s take time today to be still and spend some time with just you. How often do you take time away from your busy life to just be? This can be a challenge as the ideas are racing on your mind of maybe a new product; your child demands you look at what there have made- very important too there is dinner to be made, maybe shopping to be done, a blog post to write, your email box is nowhere near zero and the list goes on and on…….. So often what can happen then is the inner critic can come into play and the mind checks in. Then so often we forget all the love we are. We then need to pull out the tools we have to recalibrate.
It’s Sunday so do take some time out by yourself to just to be. You might like to meditate, have a bath, you might journal and allow the words to flow onto the paper. Do take some time just for you, your inner child will love you. Today I have taken time to just be and watched Vibration for Healing – The Sound You Feel using crystal singing bowls. I love these bowls and their sounds I can feel resonating through my body. After watching the film I was moved to find out more about the power of this form of healing. Will they be a new healing path to regrowing my bones, so my spine is strong again and be able to lift things and “be normal”. I had a challenging day yesterday as I over did some cleaning, what used to be normal activity for me and spent much of the day with a heat pack and on the bed. Here is a Crystal Bowl meditation to be still with. See if you can feel the vibrations in your body.
What other ways do you use just to be still? How do you feel?
Daily Activitiy:
- Mirror work twice a day. I am saying I love and accept myself 21 time in the morning and again in the evening. If you are finding yourself yawing read yesterday’s post
- If it resonates with you use EFT and Ho’oponopono
- Please comment below, on your pinterest board , on twitter use hash tags #loveu421 and #love challenge and on my facebook page.
- Follow 21 Day Love board at pinterest where you can get the images for your journal I will be sharing all the images each day.
Thanks so much for joining us on this love challenge. Please invite your friends! The more love we create, the more love we will feel and we will grow plus we all benefit from this activity. Wishing you a fun and loving day, please ask if you have any questions and please comment below. Namaste ♥ xx
With love, gratitude and in abundance always
PS: This post is part of my 21 Day Love Challenge Project. If you’d like to read more or invite your friends!, visit these posts:
Join my 21 Day Love Challenge Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
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