Ready For freedom

Will You Choose The Path That Your Heart Wants You To Walk?  What are you ready for. …….? FREEDOM was the message I drew from my Heart Whisper Oracle Cards Yes I am ready to live in total freedom I decided it was time to ask for help. Time for a conversation with my guides: […]

Be True To You in 2018

Be True To You in 2018

Flowing into 2018 I spent New Years Day with a beautiful friend Yantra and her husband Richard from Living Alignment with other seekers of truth. It was a beautiful day and a heart opening way to bring in a new year. We shared food, conversation, meditation, music and more. Each year Yantra holds a special […]

Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 29: Do You Trust Your Heart Whispers

Welcome to Day 29 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: Keeping The Faith (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at the bottom of each post […]

Be Authentic ~ Are You Being True To You?


BEach Inspirations: Be Authentic ~ 8 Authentic Self Quotes “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” — C.G. Jung Are You Being True To You? Shailene Woodley’s quote “I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don’t have self-love, and respect for everything about your […]