Color Prescription 5: Blue and The Throat Chakra


Working with The Color Blue and The Throat Chakra Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it. – Naomi Wolf Blue is the color of the clear sky, the sea, cornflowers, irises, of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality.of trust, peace, order and loyalty, of  sapphires. blue topaz and lapis lazuli.  Blue comes in […]

7 days, 7 hearts, 7 Chakras


The Intuitive Heart Week One: The Chakras On November 1 I decided to make a commitment to paint daily as part of my self-love journey and was inspired to do this through a 45 day challenge at The Boundless Living Challenge. back in 2008 I had participated in the first BLC set up by Bob […]

Color Prescription 2: Orange and The Sacral Chakra

2nd Chakra by Suzie Cheel

Working with The Color Orange and The Sacral  Second Chakra Orange is the color of power and vitality, of apricots, mandarins, persimmon and papaya, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. orange is a sunrise, a sunset the flame of a candle. Orange is the color the second chakra our sacral chakra and our feeling centre. It […]

Color Prescription I: Red and The First Chakra

red and the root chakra by Suzie Cheel

Working with The Color Red and The First Chakra The color red has many moods, many meanings,many messages Red is the color of fire, love and passion Of fear and anger Red can energise you Red can depress you Red stirs the the senses and ignites the emotions Red excites and stimulates A red light […]