Suzie Uncut and Naked

Finally a blog post after 3 weeks or more! You can see from the video that I have been given another test in patience and have just spent the past 3 weeks learning to to be left handed. Left-handed paintings are at and some on flickr If you enjoyed this post please share it […]
Moving Forward With Joy and Love

Picking up the pieces and moving forward Monday 2 weeks ago I landed back in hospital. It was the first day in 21 days that I had not got up and painted, I woke up with a headache, yes I did take a couple of panadol, had some breakfast and then went to see my […]
Intuitive Heart #20: Linked Love

This was the first stage of today’s intuitive heart painting that I drew with aquarelles. This is frequently how I work, drawing first and then using water to paint into the drawing. I nearly left this as today’s heart and then I was drawn to paint into it. This is the first painting in this […]
Intuitive Heart #19: Rainbow Healing

” “My opening heart is blessed by the healing rainbow”-Suzie♡ I did see a rainbow today as I was watering the garden and from a crystal I have hanging outside. I also started to wear my rainbow healing bracelet again. I heard a little whisper during meditation that I need to put back onto my […]