How To Manifest Your Intentions With The New Moon

Relationships (all relationships) will be tweaked or even let go of. But, again, the most important relationship we have is the one with our self. How are we being asked to step forward? How are we being challenged this week. Look at what triggers you and learn if you could react a new way. Look […]
Manifesting Monday: What Will You Manifest This Week?

#MaMo: Manifesting Mondays on Twitter! #MAMO is a weekly vibe raising actiivity on Twitter that Nancy Barry-Jansson aka Affirming Spirit co founded with Melanie Mulrooney back in 2009 Each Monday a group of LOA (law of attraction) and Abundance coaches and enthusiasts post what they are working on manifesting for the week and then support […]
How To Manifest Abundance

Yes Another Manifestation Well wasn’t that fun? I know I am feeling lighter and the abundance if flowing in as I continue daily practices.Being Grateful and Showing Appreciation are fundamental in using the Law of Attraction in all areas of your life. Each day be grateful and acknowledge all the small things in your life. […]