Memories Flood In Prescription 20

Prescription 20 started out as a black and white photocopy of some textile work I did two years ago. I then painted into the work with pinks and oranges that you can se on the left. I then over painted the background of Prescription 20 and let it dry. The next morning I went […]
Monet’s Garden Prescription 13

When I scanned the picture into the computer the words Monet’s garden came to my mind- I googled Monet’s Garden and found a wide variety of images depicting Monet’s Garden at Giverny, Des then reminded me we has seen the painting many years ago in New York. Amazing the memories the body stores and is […]
Today’s Inspirational Painting: Prescription 12

Prescription 12 reminds me on The Valley of Fire in Nevada north of Las Vegas that I visited back in 2008 when we went to Blog World Expo. The variation in the colors of the desert were amazing and this painting reminded me of the scenery I saw then I will dig out some photos […]