Prescription 20 by Suzie CheelPrescription 20 started out as a black and white photocopy of some textile work I did two years ago. I then painted into the work with pinks and oranges that you can se on the left. I then over painted the background of Prescription 20 and let it dry. The next morning I went into my painting area and was thinking about a new friend, Heather Bestel, who I have met through Productivity Queen Helen Raptopolous 30 Day Productivity Challenge Group. Heather lives in Scotland somewhere I often visited when I lived in London and loved. I went to the Edinburugh festival with my mother, had a Scottish boyfriend and spent a wonderful month cycling around the West Coast of  Scotland, visiting many Isles. I particularly loved the small isles of Colonsay and Oronsay

prescription20a.jpgAs I was painting this I was I was drawn to mix a purple color and from there the memories flooded in. Thank you Heather and thank you to the Internet and Social media that opens up so many opportunities to meet amazing like minded people.

Do you have a story you can tell where a new friend triggers memories from maybe years ago?

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0 Responses

  1. Oh Suzie,
    This is absolutely gorgeous!
    All the hills are ablaze with colour here at present.
    We even have heathers all over the garden and they are beautiful.
    Thanks for the wonderful mention – I really appreciate you and all you do.
    Heather x

    1. Wow Heather,
      I didn’t realise that the heather was actually in bloom right now- even more magical It must look wonderful I just love purple and used to have a house that had a jacranda tree and the garden would be a carpet of purple
      thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Thank you you comment means so much to me as i feel these prescriptions are special to me and maybe they are opening a path I had been hiding. I also haven;t seen myself as a painter in this sense- might be time to tell the story as time just flies by when i am doing this and is is simple for me

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