Do You Love A Challenge?
Amethyst Mahoney Has Set Me A Challenge! On Tuesday Amethyst from Heart and Soul Connections interviewed me about my card for The Divine Love Oracle card deck she has complied from 40 of the heart and soul group members on Facebook. I missed out initially when Amethyst first called for people to choose the card […]
Meditation For The Full Moon
Take Action With This Full Moon This meditation that I have recorded for you I did first this morning on my blab show. I decided to rerecord as sound was choppy. This special super full moon is special. I heard the moon was heralding time to bring harmony and balance into our lives. Plus it is time to take […]
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire FAST
Are You Good At Manifesting Quickly? Recently I have been surprising myself and manifesting FAST! On Saturday morning after I had drawn my Archangel Michael card for the morning: which was “You have created this situation and you have the power to change it!” I heard it would be good to have a new deck of oracle cards, it […]
Color Prescription 7: The Crown Chakra
Working with The Color Violet and The Crown Chakra “Spiritual liberation is not at all a mere affair of the intellect, but rather the realization of the inmost Self, the inward vision of the soul, and the transcendence of the personality.” —Yogi Ramsuratkumar Violet is the color of the amethyst, lavender, violets, lilac, of loyalty, of spirituality, […]