Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Cards

Last Week I shipped all the pre-orders that I had received in December before I went away for a 2 week holiday. I was unable to send the cards out before I went away as one of the cards had not been printed and the cards had not been wrapped as ordered. I can see […]
Chocolate Slabs And Keeping It Simple?

Simplicity is natures first step, and the last of art. ~ Philip James Bailey Do You Keep Things Simple Or Keep Adding Layers in the Hope of Getting Greater Clarity or a Better Picture? Four years ago yesterday I was told I had 25% chance of recovery from an autoimmune disease that went rogue and caused a […]
100 Days Of Heart Whisper Paintings

What do you do each day that keeps your heart in touch with your creative spirit? I have continued my daily 10-15 minutes of painting each day since I completed my 10 x 10 series back in January. I love it. Usually I do it when I first wake- It is like a morning meditation […]
The Art of Ritual: Creativity Day 6

Reigniting My Creativity Day 6: 10 x 10 Yesterday after finishing my Gift of Gratitude painting and blog post I drew my card for the day, The Altar Princess from The Wisdom of The Hidden Realms deck by Collette Baron-Reid which I manifested last year. I had started this morning ritual to reignite my creativity […]