How Soul Art Day Brought Me A Priceless Gift

The Final Cut I knew that Soul Art Day would be special for me, as it had been in the past 3 years. What I didn’t know realise was that it would bring me a priceless gift. The gift, simple as it may seem, was the value of taking imperfect action. This is my 4th Soul Art […]
Rainbows: A Symbol of Hope and New Life

I love rainbows and my life seems to be embracing rainbows more and more each day. I walk most days at Rainbow Bay beach where we do see rainbows, one of my best friends is Stephanie Rainbow Bell. Rainbows were also a big part of my healing journey I have been painting lots of rainbow […]
Do You Unleash Your Creativity On Your Business?

Soul Art Day 2014 The purpose of creativity is opening my heart to the whispers that are wanting to be expressed – Suzie I have just completed a wonderful journey in exploring my own creativity. Last week I took part in Laura Hollick’s International Soul Art Day, something I have done in 2012 and 2013 I allow […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Big

Don’t get too big for your boots! Keep your light under a bushell. Don’t blow your own trumpet! Who do you think you are? Yes BE BIG! Are you easily able to step into being big in all aspects of you life. Or do you hear those words that I heard as a child, […]