My Healing Art Gallery Is Open For Business
I drew the Business Card for the first time on Tuesday. It is from Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides Oracle Deck and I just love the picture. This is a picture I am now embracing for my business. I love the Goddess Venus shining down on the money love tree.
Venus is the goddess of love and money. It is time for me to embrace my messages of love with money. As Sonia Says:
I am also reminded of some of the words that Sonia wrote to me in a mini soul reading I had with her 3 years ago now. I sometimes am a slow learner. I have read this over many times and today’s card speak volumes to me of what I must do right now to fulfil my purpose.
You are here to learn to make money based on your own talents and not look to others to support you. If you do it will back-fire. You are here to find your inner powerhouse and discover and recognize your essential self worth. You are a natural champion of others and a true healer and artist. This is your purpose to uplift and create beauty.

Thank you Suzie Cheel!! My FB friend Suzie designed and created all the heart images on this mug, and I love it! Suzie, when you see this can you please post a link here in the comments in case any of my friends want one, too? Peeps the photo DOES NOT do it justice, it’s just so vibrant and happy and lovely in person!!!? PS there are 2 styles of mugs- Normal and Tall
This was a series that started back in 2011 as part of my healing process when I started a 45 day paint a heart a day.
This is one of the single paintings: Heart Whisper 244 Field of Love that I shared this week and many people commented on and liked so I have put this one up on red bubble.
Is there a heart that speaks to you?
Please share in the comments
all my love
from my ♡ to yours ♡
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
Follow me on Twitter @suziecheel Join the#heartwhisper conversation on Facebook, Pinterest Twitter and Instagram
Join The Heart Whisper Circle
Hooray for you!!! Doing cartwheels of joyful celebration of you, my wonderful artful friend. So excited to see you fully embracing this path and to see your colorful artwork spreading around the world.
Minette thank you, my heart is smiling and so full of love, Your comment fire me up to get more work up and out to the world?
Suzie–I so resonate with your message and your journey. Yay you! I love what you have been creating and look forward to having my morning cappucino out of one of your new mugs which I’m off to purchase!
Hi Laurie, welcome, Great that you resonate with my message and love that you will own one of my heart whisper mugs ?
I’m so happy you’re not hiding your heart and your beautiful work anymore, Suzie! Bravo!
I’m going back to look through the items.. I’m eyeing that tote bag!
Welcome Shelley, thank you, I know it was not such a smart move. I am ordering the tote for me too ?
YAY Suzie!! I am so happy for you! Now, I’m off to buy myself a Suzie Cheel coffee mug!
Thank you Peggy I love that you will be drinking you coffee filled with heart whisper love You had me going to sleep with a smile on my face ?
Suzie, Bravo! This is the message I recently received from a friend/coach. Thank you for the reminder. I love the light and beauty of your art. Way to go <3
Hi Lisa,
How timely and thank you for your uplifting comments ?
FINALLY! YAY! WHOO HOO!!! HIP HIP HOORAY! YOU GO GURRRL! YES! YES! YES! Shout it from the rooftops! Couldn’t be happier or more pleased for you my wonderful friend <3 APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! HAPPY DANCE!
Stephanie you have me happy dancing – as you know it has taken me a long time to really embrace my magic, you support means a lot to me , love your enthusiasm, I would love for you to share the magic with your tribes. love and hugs Suzie xxoo
I love your new products, Suzie! The design is beautiful and they will make great gifts! Congrats!
Thanks Cathy I really appreciate your comments and would love if you could share with your friends for their gift buying love Suzie xxoo
I am so thrilled for you! Those mugs look fantastic. And every single thing you have created is awesome. I love how you are following your heart and your purpose to uplift and create beauty! I wish you success and love.
Thank you Sandra yes think the mugs are going to be the biggest seller. It has taken me a long while to get back into embracing my passion and following my heart love Suzie xxoo
Darling Suzie,
I’m loving the art you have created. The energy that comes through each is gorgeous and uplifting. And now k want my very own heart mug too!!! 🙂
Thank you for being you sweet one.
Love and Light always,
Zeenat you always make my heart sing and I hope you adorn your desk with one of my mugs soon love Suzie xx
Loving your healing art gallery Suzie, and Kimberley’s mug looks fab 🙂 I agree, they will make wonderful Christmas presents x
Thank you Heather. Yes and thanks for being part of my journey xxoo
Yes, beating down your gremlins one painting at a time! So much colour and energy, go you!
I love that Leanne, beating the gremlins one painting at a time. As i get into the rhythm of posting them daily it will be easier i think xxoo
Congratulations Suzie! Everything is just beautiful, a reflection of your beautiful heart! I know that you will do well! You GO Girl! <3
Thanks Jean. thanks for the reminder to GO, still today i have more energy so that is a good sign xxoo
Yay Suzie! I’m so happy for you. I love seing a creative woman get back to what lights her up
Thanks Linda, yes and now I am building my online shop here to sell the real paintings and inspired by your post this week I am going to add in my Angel Card Readings xxoo
That’s great 🙂