Fork In The Road

Know what you are going to do  and then do it and don’t backslide.
If you make a mistake make a glorious one.
It’s like the man who comes to the tree at the fork in the road and says,
“Which way shall I go, this way or that?”
Go! Take one way and go.
There is always the element of timing
everything has a time and place.            
——–Guru RHH

One morning walking on the beach I was fascinated how a tree branch thrown up by the tide was so beautifully positioned on the beach. For me, it was a fabulous image for a fork in the road. I knew then that one day I would find a saying or the words that would be just perfect to go with the picture. The simplicity of the fork, was balanced by the intricacy of the barnacles on the wood, reflecting life’s many complexities. Sometimes we are faced with two or more paths as we journey on life. Making the decision can be the challenge:)  What Motivates you when you are faced the fork in the road?

Barnacles on alog

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