The old “FUD Factor” (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) can hit any of us at any time. Here’s a way to deal with that.

Today take time to LISTEN deeply to the whispers of your heart. They have a message for you that will guide you to true PROSPERITY in whatever area or areas of your life you truly desire .
Take time today to IMAGINE your life and make a list of everything you desire.
Currently I am in a 60 day mentoring group to fast track my business to 6 figures.
Yesterday’s task was to create an abundance list
I have just completed mine and will share the process with you
To get started
Use your journal or computer – whichever feels good for you = and write this statement at the top of the page
I give myself permission to have everything I desire.
Then start your list with
I give myself permission to …….
(Hint: don’t allow your imagination to be blocked with this exercise – dream BIG. then BIGGER all the things you have always wished for but felt were out of your reach or that your couldn’t even hope to have)
I can already hear you wondering: can I really have it all?
YES you can.

You have to believe first. Fully embrace what your heart is whispering and then imagine yourself in the picture.
I know your old “friend” FUD might have dropped in for a visit, reminding you you are not good enough, you don’t want to change, and the excuses go on. I know I have hard on my mindset work to overcome that Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
Here is my abundance list:
I give myself permission to
✅ live in our dream spacious skyhome near the beach
✅ to own our own home again
✅to be a vip in all that I do
✅to travel biz/first class always
✅to inspire and empower my tribe of thousands daily to be the change I wish to see in the world
✅to openly create ripples of love that flow into rivers of abundance bringing freedom to all I share the gift of G and FT with and those who catch the vision
✅to get my nails done
✅to get my hair blow dried weekly
✅to colour my hair and be outrageous when I feel like it
✅to remove all limitations on how I be
✅to go on retreats when my heart whispers be kind to you
✅to buy clothes, designer handbags and shoes without looking at the price tag
✅ to have a cleaner weekly
✅ be republish Emergings: a meditation on the emotions of change
✅ to finish writing Lucky to be Alive and hire Emily to edit, publish and promote it
✅ to delegate before I am ready to a VA as this will fast track our business
✅ to have a PA who looks after my Heart Whisper empire
✅ To have weekly dinner dates with Des
✅ travel every month or 2- Bali, Peru, Costa Rica, Greece, Spain, Scotland, Ireland, NZ, Japan, USA , Broome, Kakadu
✅ to go on a painting retreat in New Mexico
✅ to have a state of the art kitchen
✅ host lunches and dinners with my heart centred family and friends
I will probably keep adding to it 🙂
Please share yours in the comments.
I am excited to read your abundance list.
If you want to know more about how you can live your abundant life, I am here to support you. Just PM me or comment abundant life below.
The question that sparked the post from my card reading today was:
What Did My Heart Want Me To Know Today?
Then shuffled and I drew 3 cards from my Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Deck.
Wishing you a magically abundant day in all ways
With love
Suzie xxx
I am inspired by your abundance list, Suzie! Personally, I prefer to live a simple life. I don’t need or want to go big. But there are some things I would like and you’ve inspired me to make my own list. Thanks!
Love this Suzie. We have ongoing concepts of our ideal life and involve ourselves in them every day…inspiring our subconscious to go to work and produce them in our world. 🙂
Thanks Elle love your comment , yes we must continue to inspire our subconscious to work or life could become colorless xo
I love your amazing list Suzie – you have inspired me to add a few to mine! I change mine from time to time, but with a new life ahead – my list is growing! Cheers xo
Thank you Debra, I too am adding to mine and feel i must now have it front of mr to remind myself of what’s coming.
Look out, FUD, here I come! Love it!
You always make me laugh, thank you xxoo
I enjoy the brightness of your posts and I think the joy that is attached to you is an important factor in your financial wealth. I’m excited to hear more about your seminar.
Thank you you have made my heart sign, after a magical day and to read this is so empowering. I will message you Andrea xxoo
I love the list.
So colourful.
I add I give myself permission to break my rules.
Thank you I am adding that one in too xx
Wonderful Suzie, just in time for me to set my new moon intentions! Thanks for your wisdom. That FUD causes a lot of trouble when we aren’t aware of it.
Thanks Lisa,
Yes as i type this i know it is new moon and before my head hits the pillow I will journal some new intentions xx
Inspired to make my abundance list after reading yours, Suzie. Well done!
Thanks Lore, I am now adding to mine, part of my wants book where I write them all out in colored pens 🙂 x Have fun doing that
I love this. I had never heard of “FUD factor.” Fear, uncertainty, and doubt are definitely some of my biggies. Thanks for the boost of positivity and inspiration today! 🙂
Thanks Debbie, I have used the term before. Think we all have issues with that. Happy it boosted you xxx
So much inspiration and magic in this post Suzie. I’m working on my vision board…So this helps 🙂
Thanks Zeenat, great idea will make an online one i think xx
Suzie, just reading the FUD Factor brought a big smile to my face. Creating an unconditional abundance list is truly the first step in acquiring what your heart desires, because if you don’t know you want, how can the Universe set it up for you. Great blog!
Thanks, absolutley true , getting clear about whay we truly desire , some people don’t even get to that step. Missing so much xx
Love the word FUD, Suzie. It reminds me of Elmer Fudd (I’m already making associations 🙂 ). I’m game to try creating the brainstorming journal the way you’ve described it Suzie and find out what my heart truly desires. And thank you for the reading. I think its spot on for quite a few of us this week.
Love that Vatsala. Yes it is fun too and I need to add to mine and change a few too xxx
Just this week was the first time I can remember hearing the word FUD. I love this post Suzie. I’ll be making my list this morning!
Thanks Anita, love it resonated for you. would love to see that list xo