The Abundance Show with Card Deck Queen Rosie Battisa

Discover The Power In Your Card Deck Let’s Learn how to use your cards to create more abundance in your life and business It is also an opportunity to remember and reclaim who you really are Rosie and I share the power of card deck to transform you life. Watch and Listen here Have you […]

NEVER, Never, Ever GIVE UP

I heard those words last week from Sommer I have thought about giving up many many times. I looked outside myself, thinking the answer was out there? No the answer and the message are always within. When you receive a morning message like this “What a gift you are in my world xx You have […]
Why Me Time Can Create The Difference You Have Been Longing For?

Focus on FREEDOM by making sure you give yourself ME TIME each day and then the KNOWING you are enough comes easily So important to take, what I am calling the golden hour each day, time that is just for you. Today my body must’ve had a knowing. 🙂 I spent a large part of […]