Be Inspired: Be Bold

Beach Inspirations: Bold

Monday Inspiration On a Wednesday:) Are You Ready For A Bold Life? Being bold means taking responsibility for your dreams. Being bold means making bold choices. Being bold means thinking big. Being bold means making an impact. Being bold means taking risks. Being bold means refusing to be confined. Being bold means making a difference. […]

Help Alex Blackwell Achieve His BHAG

Fall Membership Drive

Alex Blackwell aka The Bridgemaker has set himself a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Alex has set himself  a 3 month goal to increase the membership/subscribers to The Bridgemaker form 2500 to 10,000.  He is calling this the Fall membership drive. I love people who set themselves BHAGs and when I read what Alex is doing […]

Do You Follow The Gurus or Your Heart?

purple heart

This week I clicked on Maris Smith’s link on facebook to a video where Nick Nanton had interviewed Mari. I first met the fun loving, big hearted Mari via Facebook back in 2008 when I set myself a BHAG– Big Hairy Audacious Goal. I then personally met Mari at Blog World later that year. I […]

Monday Inspiration: Intention

Focused intention

“Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark When I drew this card this morning fromB001T6ZBCQI decided to use this for my weekly inspiration. Staying focused and on target is something that I struggle with. I am listening more to my intuition, my spirit and that […]