How To Make Organic Coconut Yoghurt

organic coconuy yogurt

EASY Coconut Yogurt Recipe I love coconut yogurt, so when I was told back in July 2012 that coconut yogurt would be better for my bones I started to make it and now eat it every day. The video shows you step by step how to make the coconut yoghurt. It is simple and easy. […]

Financial Alchemy Interview With Morgana Rae

Learn How To Make Money Fall In Love With You. Last week I was delighted to meet Morgana Rae via skype and talk with her about the upcoming launch of her book Financial Alchemy 12 Months of Magic and Manifestation.on January 23rd  on Amazon. Morgana sent me a copy of her book and after reading […]

Lucky To Be Alive: My Year Of Living Positively

my Year of Living posiively

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius My Year of Living Positively: Lucky to be Alive is the title of the book of my healing journey that I am writing this month. Why […]

One Word For 2013: Did You Choose From Your Head Or Your Heart?


Are You Satisfied You Choose The Right Word For You? If so great! Or you maybe like me and have had second thoughts already. My word for 2013 was to be FOCUS and yes you can see it sitting up in the top right-hand corner of the card I made for the New Year.  I […]